Friday Favorites 7.3.2020

By | July 3, 2020

Friday FavoritesLinking up with Momfessionals & a Little Bit of Everything Blog

I can’t believe I didn’t do a Friday Favorites posts at all during the month of June! I mean time just flies by so quickly. So here we are it’s July! I just got an email from the school system about Fall Learning Models. We have the option to keep kids home during the Fall and do online school with strict guidelines or they can return to school for the Fall and must wear a mask, yadda, yadda, yadda. I think he and I are both ready for him to get back into the swing of a more regular schedule when that time rolls around. It will honestly be here before I know it! Anyway, so thinking about all that is NOT a Friday Fav. Just thought I’d share.

So let’s see, what have I been loving lately?

Friday Favorites #1
I decorated for the 4th of July this week. I haven’t done this in years. And really, I’ve never ‘gone all out’ with decorating for Independence Day. This year is the most I’ve ever done. I’ve actually been collecting things that last couple of years for when I finally decide to decorate.

2020-07-02 15.46.37

2020-06-30 17.30.02

Friday Favorites #2
I made this animated GIF of the boys on vacation. At 16 & 22, it’s still a struggle to get a decent pic. 😉
Still a struggle

Friday Favorites #3

Alex and I had to run a couple errands this week and we brought Kayleigh along.
2020-06-30 13.35.32

Friday Favorites #4
This week after getting back from vacation the garden had exploded. I’ve harvested and eaten several cherry tomatoes straight off the vine into my mouth! As well as these! A zucchini squash and a jalapeno.

2020-06-29 08.15.10-1

Friday Favorites #5
I don’t think I’ve ever shared how much I love baskets. Over the years, I have found myself buying baskets. I love baskets of all sorts, small, large, tall, short. I’ve recently become obsessed with the African style baskets like these. I want them all! They are just beautiful!

What have been your favorites lately?

One thought on “Friday Favorites 7.3.2020

  1. Tanya

    We are still waiting to hear about school, but I know my son is READY to get back! Love your patriotic decor. I’m going to leave some of mine up through July. Have a good Sunday!


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