Share Our Lives – How I Met My Hubby

Share Our Lives – How I Met My Hubby

It's time for another Share Our Lives post. Today we're sharing about how we met our significant other, which I've actually written about in several posts. You can start reading…
Share Our Lives: Intro & Jobs

Share Our Lives: Intro & Jobs

Today I'm linking up with all the ladies (Joanne, Dara, Adrienne, Jen, and Sarah) from what used to be the link up called "Not Just a Mom." However, this year…
Desert Trip – Day 7

Desert Trip – Day 7

Here we are for our LAST Desert trip journal. If you missed my previous posts from our Desert trip check those out >>>> Desert Trip Day 7 was a long…
A Sad Goodbye

A Sad Goodbye

I mentioned we had to go out of town for a funeral. I had started writing details about what happened, but really this isn't my story to share. What I…
Labor Day Weekend 2022

Labor Day Weekend 2022

We had a really good Labor Day weekend, so I thought I'd share about it. On Saturday, it was the 1st Auburn football game of the season. Rob had to…
Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 2

Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 2

Sunday Here we are for another travel post. This one shares Day 2 of our trip to Omaha, NE mainly to watch Auburn play in the Men's College World Series.…
How to Feel Closer To Your Family

How to Feel Closer To Your Family

Everyone is expected to be close to their family, but not everybody has that benefit. Whether it’s contrasting personalities or simply being able to connect on a mutual level, some…
Books I Read – March 2022

Books I Read – March 2022

I have finally (I hope) found a routine that is working pretty well for reading listening to audio books. Something made me look at the eBooks available for my local…
Sentence a Day – June 2021

Sentence a Day – June 2021

1 / Tuesday - Met Rob and Alex for lunch at Beyond the Wok. Neighborhood turkey - Not sure where this turkey lives or if he just hangs out in…
14 Simple Tips To Prepare For A Road Trip

14 Simple Tips To Prepare For A Road Trip

Road trips can be one of the best types of vacation. You have the opportunity to explore several beautiful vacation spots while having adventures on the open roads. Imaginably it’s…
The Weekly [10.18-24.2020]

The Weekly [10.18-24.2020]

Here's my run down from last week that I call "The Weekly." How was last week for you? I worked from home and didn't really have a lot going on,…