Graduation Party with the Fam
Alex’s 13th Birthday
Celebrating 70 years of Marriage!
Grad Party at the Lake
Caitlyn is a Graduate!
Alex’s Party Day
80’s party
Halloween Party 2011
Some really good friends of ours, J & R, have a big Halloween party every year where each of their kids gets to invite 5 kids each, so there was about 25-30 kids. Needless to say they needed our help. Rob and R have become great friends over the past couple of years. R’s boys are in our cub scout pack and R is one of the Assistant cub masters. Although our kids are varying in age, you would never know. We’ve been over to their house a few times in the last couple months and we don’t hear a peep out of any of the 6 of them! That’s pretty amazing. Anyway, serious digression there…So we went to the party to help out as R & J made up a bunch of games along with a haunted house and they really needed some more adult help and supervision.
Us…me as a baby, Rob as Trooper Taylor, Drew as Cam Newton, Alex as an Alien