Tag Archives: month

Monthly Digest – March 2023

By | April 7, 2023

LIFE Happenings It’s been a month of catch-up and clean up and trying to get back to normal…if that’s a thing. Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Loving These Trader Joe’s goodies are so good…don’t jive with my healthy eating, but a good little treat… Read More »

Monthly Digest – March 2022

By | April 11, 2022

Here we are nearly halfway through April and I realized I hadn’t written my monthly digest for March. So here we are… LIFE Happenings We celebrated Alex’s birthday. Still can’t believe my baby is 18! Did a few rounds of physical therapy for my right shoulder and arm. https://acameraandacookbook.com/week-8-9-2022/ Week 10 Loving the weather right… Read More »

Monthly Digest – October 2021

By | October 28, 2021

LIFE Happenings Rob and Drew went to the Braves vs Dodgers NLCS Game Loving the cooler temps lately! Happy that Auburn beat LSU! Excited that the Braves are playing in the World Series! Reminiscing With Alex going to homecoming his senior year just last week, I’ve been thinking back to Drew’s senior year homecoming. Social… Read More »

Monthly Digest – September 2021

By | October 1, 2021

This isn’t the typical Monthly Digest, but instead I’m just including the happy things and I’m just going to leave it at that! ♥️ LIFE Happenings Went to an Auburn Game And a Braves Game Happy on my birthday, despite being sung to and having the waitress put whip cream on my nose and chin.… Read More »

Monthly Digest – August 2021

By | August 25, 2021

LIFE Happenings Honestly right now all I can think about is this dang COVID that I have and I could probably make every answer to these COVID related. I don’t want that though. This month hasn’t been only about COVID, so I’ll write a post about that later. Loving Rob for taking care of me… Read More »