Memories of the Month {4.2015}
Memories of the Month {3.2015}
Memories of the Month {2.2015}
Memories of the Month {1.2015}
Memories of the Month {10.2014}
This month I was happy about: being done with Thunder pics for another year.
This month I was sad because of: of things I’d rather not talk about here.
Something I accomplished this month was: making some big decisions about this blog.
Memories of the Month {9.2014}
This month I was happy about: Drew having a date for homecoming.
This month I was sad because of: my Granny is really sick.
Something I accomplished this month was: almost done with Soccer League pictures. Just got to get them packaged up and delivered.
Memories of the Month {8.2014}
Here’s the end of the month summary for August. Where has this year gone?
This month I was happy about: meh…I’m kind of indifferent to this question. Nothing really stood out to me for what I was happy about.
This month I was sad because of: the kids going back to school.
Something I accomplished this month was: …uhhh…don’t feel like I accomplished anything!
Memories of the Month {7.2014}
This month I was happy about: vacation.
This month I was sad because of: random reasons…really don’t remember.
Something I accomplished this month was: getting my office space moved.
Memories of the Month {6.2014}
This month I was happy about: Drew getting a job.
This month I was sad because of: Father’s Day and missing my Dad.
Something I accomplished this month was: not much of anything, it doesn’t seem like.
Memories of the Month {5.2014}
This month I was happy about: the school year winding down.
This month I was sad about: empty promises.
Something I accomplished this month was: just getting through the month was accomplishment enough.
Memories of the Month {4.2014}
This month I was happy about: getting to have some free evenings with nothing to do.
This month I was sad about: drama going on with part of my family.
Something I accomplished this month was: having to go to the ER. *sarcasm*
Memories of the Month {3.2014}
This month I was happy about: starting my new daytime hours.
This month I was sad about: just still really missing me Dad.
Something I accomplished this month was: getting used to working like normal people.
Memories of the Month {2.2014}
This month I was happy about: a change that’s coming soon!
This month I was sad about: just really missing my Dad these days.
Something I accomplished this month was: not much of anything…or at least that I can remember.
Memories of the Month {1.2014}
Memories of the Month {12.2013}
This month I was happy about: Christmas!
This month I was sad about: my Dad passing away.
Something I accomplished this month was: being able to speak at my Dad’s memorial service, but it was all God!
Memories of the Month {11.2013}
This month I was happy about: just life in general. Excited for the impending holidays.
This month I was sad about: my Dad’s diagnosis.
Something I accomplished this month was: flying out to see my Dad.
Memories of the Month {10.2013}
This month I was happy about: Rob starting his new job a few days ago.
This month I was sad about: random stupid stuff.
Something I accomplished this month was: starting to eat healthy again. Hoping I can keep up with it now and not let a slip up ruin my whole plan.
Memories of the Month {9.2013}
This month I was happy about: Rob’s job offer (post coming soon).
This month I was sad about: this continued anxiety/depression that Alex is going through.
Something I accomplished this month was: finally getting the rest of our Wild, Wild West Trip posts done!
Memories of the Month {8.2013}
This month I was happy about: new possibilities in our family’s near future.
This month I was sad about: Alex going through this separation anxiety since school has started and I’m back to my regular schedule. 🙁
Something I accomplished this month was: switching cellphone carriers.