
A Simple Celebration

We sent each other iCards and went to Carino's, while Nick watched the kids. Then, we drove around campus and saw all the tailgaters already on campus for the 1st…

I have what?

Yesterday I went to the doctor, because I've had the sinus issues. I was pretty sure I had a sinus infection, which it turned out I did and also the…
PSH Theme: Youth

PSH Theme: Youth

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is youth. Finger Painting or maybe even body painting is youthful thing to do.
PSH Theme: Funny

PSH Theme: Funny

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is funny. I think this is pretty funny! Good blackmail material, don't ya think?
PSH Theme: Pets

PSH Theme: Pets

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is pets. Here's some ducks I had while growing up. I kept them until they got big and then gave them to someone who…
PSH Theme: Automobiles

PSH Theme: Automobiles

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is automobiles. Here's an automobile that is brought to all the Auburn Football games. They blare the Auburn Fight song and do the Macarana.
PSH Theme: RWB

PSH Theme: RWB

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is RWB (Red, White, & Blue). Here's some red, white, and blue from July 4th, 2004.
PSH Theme: Open

PSH Theme: Open

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is open. For this weeks theme, I found this pic that was taken at the Fort Worth Zoo back in 2000. I like the…
PSH Theme:  Old

PSH Theme: Old

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is old. I wasn't sure if today's theme was supposed to be an old picture or an old item in the picture. hahaha, I…

Next Weekend

Did I tell you what we're doing next weekend? No? Didn't think so! Well, my family and I are going camping. Camping, yes, I'm going camping! For those of you…
PSH Theme:  Feet

PSH Theme: Feet

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is feet. This is my 2nd son. I took this picture as part of his 1 year portraits. (March 2005)
PSH Theme: Round

PSH Theme: Round

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is round. I chose this pic because of the soccer ball that's round.

What a Great Weekend!

Sorry I've been MIA, but this past week has been hectic. Friday we had an Auburn Diamond Club banquet. Then, my dad, who I haven't seen since 2002 came to…

26 Random Questions and Answers

Got this from Monica:

1. You have $10 and need to buy snacks at a gas station; what do you buy? Diet Coke and M&M’s

2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be? a seahorse…so the men can carry the babies!

3. Who’s your favorite redhead? My sister, Nikki

Four Real…

Four jobs you've had in your life: Braums in high school and during the summers while in college. I did everything from cook to stocker to cashier to ice cream…