An unexpected event

An unexpected event

Last Monday, I was about to leave work and head home. I got a voicemail and some texts from Drew saying that his stomach was hurting. He had talked to…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {9.2015}

Y'all I'm a bit aggravated. Fall is always a busy time in my household, but this year has been craaaaa-zy! I'm just trying to keep my head above water. October…
Memories of the Month {2.2014}

Memories of the Month {2.2014}

This month I was happy about: a change that’s coming soon!

This month I was sad about: just really missing my Dad these days.

Something I accomplished this month was: not much of anything…or at least that I can remember.

Auburn Thunder Soccer

Deja Vu

Drew had the opportunity back when he was 9 to start playing mid-season for Auburn Thunder Travel Soccer. It's like Deja Vu...Just like big brother, Alex has had the same…
New Driver in the House

New Driver in the House

I snapped a few shots of my excited Drew after he was finally able to get his driver’s license today. He turned 16 a week and a half ago, but was waiting on the “Gold” card from the state. He took driver’s ed the 2nd 9 weeks and at the end of the class, which ended after Christmas break, he was able to take the Driver’s Test with his Driver’s ed teacher instead of at the DMV. The “Gold” card has to be sent from Montgomery and it didn’t make in time for his birthday.

So this morning we got up at the crack-o-dawn to get a good spot in line at the DMV. There was a group of Mexicans infront of us, but it turned out they didn’t have all the proper paperwork, so we didn’t have to wait that long.

Here’s my boy with his important piece of paper!
New Driver - 1

Missing my boy…

Missing my boy…

Dear Drew, Man, you've been gone just over 2 weeks now. I've missed you like crazy! It was kinda funny, the Thursday before you left, that evening, I was missing…
End of the Season Soccer Banquet

End of the Season Soccer Banquet

So proud of Drew's JV soccer team this year. 63 goals scored and only 8 allowed the whole season. Fantastic players, wonderful parents, and great coaches. Coaches Carey and Mark…

Christmas Day 2012

Christmas Day was busy. We started off with homemade sausage balls and apple strudals. Then Rob and I looked in our stockings and the boys showed us what they had…
My Afternoon with Alex

My Afternoon with Alex

Thursday afternoon Alex's Cub Scouts went to church to help make up boxes for the food pantry. Our church provides food for those that are need every Friday and they…
Saturday Soccer

Saturday Soccer

Here's a couple collages with just a few pics from Drew's game and Alex's Game. They played great and pulled out big wins! See all the pics from their games…

Calgon take me away….

As if it weren't difficult enough coming back from a week long vacation. Getting back to reality after a week away is just down right hard. We've also had (one…


Drew got his braces today! He just got the top set today along with 'stuff' on the bottom teeth (which you can't see unless he opens his mouth) so that…

1st Day of School

Today was the 1st day of school for the 2009-2010 school year. Drew’s going into 6th grade, which means moving up to middle school. Alex is going to Kindergarten! One good thing out of being unemployed right now is that I got to take Alex to his first day of school ever.

More fun with Playgroup

Today we got to go to the AU airport. Alex got to sit in an older Cessna, which the university owns a slew of them. They are used for the…
Homemade Tomato Hanger

Homemade Tomato Hanger

Drew, who now wants to be called Lil' Man, has for the longest time wanted a garden. Well with all the woods in our backyard it doesn't really lend itself…