Trombones vs. Trumpets 2017

Trombones vs. Trumpets 2017

Sunday was the Annual Bodie Bowl, where the trombones and trumpets wage war on the football field. The intense rivalry begins on the marching field every August when the band…

AHS State Semifinals

Today we got up, packed our bags, and headed from Spring Hill, FL to Mobile, AL to allow Drew to play with the band during his high school's AHS State…

Win with Grace? Lose with dignity

Drew's high school, AHS made it to the 3rd round of the playoffs. Drew has been super excited that they continue to win, as he really wanted to perform (marching…

Busy Football Friday

Friday was a busy day. As much as I had hoped to get a lot of items marked off my to-do-list, it just didn't happen. I spent about half a…
We are the Champions!

We are the Champions!

This season has been nothing less than remarkable and amazing. I agree with Coach Chizik in saying that to try and describe it would "cheapen it." As Auburn Alum and…

1st Post of 2006!

Hope everyone survived the New Year's festivities. :-D I didn't post yesterday, because I was so bummed about going back to work today. Yesterday, I got off to a *great*…
What a Weekend!!

What a Weekend!!

Wow! What a weekend! Friday we went to the Wreck Tech Parade and Pep Rally. It was fun and I took lots of pictures. I've posted some below! You can…