Happy Birthday, Alex!

Happy Birthday, Alex!

I was going to write a nice post about my younger child, but it has been literally a NON-stop day! So I'll just let the pictures do the talking for…

From the Mouth of the 4 year old

On the way to Atlanta tonight, from the 4 year olds: Alex: Mom, squirrels climb trees. Alex: Do squirrels pee? Me: Yes, all animals pee. Alex: Do dogs pee? Me:…

From the Mouth of the 4 year old

On the way to Atlanta tonight, from the 4 year old: Alex: Mom, squirrels climb trees. Alex: Do squirrels pee? Me: Yes, all animals pee. Alex: Do dogs pee? Me:…
Alex’s 4th Birthday

Alex’s 4th Birthday

We celebrated Alex's birthday the weekend after his birthday with some of Rob's family. We went to one of his and our favorite restaurants, Durango (Mexican). Here he is blowing…
Happy 4th Birthday, Alex!

Happy 4th Birthday, Alex!

My baby boy is 4 today! I know I always say this when the boys have birthdays but I can't help it. Time goes by way too fast! I decided…

[insert creative title here]

Where has the time gone? So ever since Drew had a birthday back in January, Alex started saying, "Drew is 10 and I'm almost 4." As time escapes us, he…

Alex turns THREE tomorrow!

This is the day he went home. Believe it or not, this outfit was for newborns, but it swallowed him up! Where has the time gone? I can't believe three…

Subject: Farts & Butts

Drew and I were headed to Hobby Lobby this evening to get stuff for his Pinewood Derby car. All of a sudden it wreaked of 9 year old gas! Him:…
Christmas Eve Adventure

Christmas Eve Adventure

As you can see Alex got his foot stuck Christmas Eve, while trying a new kind of cookie we had made for Santa. At first we tried to just squeeze…


How are y'all? Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We're still in Florida. I left my camera USB cable at home so I'm not able to upload and edit and…

Mr. Destructive

That would be my Alex, my 2 year old. I have a list of things he's done lately that have been completely destructive, but today tops it. I had gone…
Halloween 2006 Recap

Halloween 2006 Recap

I took the boys trick 'r treating. They had fun. Drew got tired before Alex did. I was shocked. Drew was hot from his mask that kept shifting where he…

Finger Painting

I thought I posted this last week, but I guess I got side tracked. Here are the boys painting, but I think Alex thought it was body paint instead of…
Summer Days

Summer Days

Our 2nd of Summer Days...Today we started the morning by going to Town Creek Park and walked. We took some pictures along the way. Here's the boys while resting on…

See toddler climb out of bed…

See Momma say bye-bye to quiet nap times, See Momma say bye-bye to full night sleep, See Momma lose her sanity! Yes, yes, yes, Alex crawled out of the crib…