Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby

Today was Alex's first Pinewood Derby that he got to participate in. He's watched his brother do it for many years. We set the bar kind of high considering he…

Update on Life {a post with NO pictures}

I've been wanting to update on what's been going on. I'm enjoying so much doing the 365 Project, but this blog wasn't meant to be mainly a photography blog. Although,…

Lil’ Man with Glasses

Earlier this month, Alex had to get glasses. We got a notice from the school recommending that he see the eye doctor, because preliminary eye screenings came out abnormal. Here…

Ok, Ok, Ok!

So this blog seems to be turning into a cruise blog and I'm sorry to those of you who think of cruising as a ridiculous way to travel. Since we…

Made it through Kindergarten!

Alex's Kindergarten year is winding down. What? Really? I went today to get "end of the school year" pics. I made this collage. Sorry to know we won't be coming…
Learning to Ride

Learning to Ride

The weekend before Alex turned 6 he decided he was going to learn to ride his bike. I was so proud that he and his big brother were outside working…

Conversation {Tails}

This little conversation came after Alex asked me if it was cold outside. Alex: Rosie must get cold. She doesn't have a tail. Me: That's right. Alex: Don't most animals…


How can it be? I just swoon when I see this pic of my little guy. How I miss the tiny-ness of holding a newborn. There's nothing holding a little…

K-mart Conversation

So while at K-mart shopping for a birthday gift for a classmate of Alex's...We've picked out the gift just had to get her a card since he insisted on it!…

Family Campout with Cub Scouts

Back in October we went with Pack 29 Cub Scouts to Family Camp. For those of you who don't realize, Drew crossed over to Boy Scouts in April and Alex…
Fall Family Camp with Cub Scouts

Fall Family Camp with Cub Scouts

Back in October, we went with Pack 29 Cub Scouts to Family Camp. For those of you who don't realize, Drew crossed over to Boy Scouts in April and Alex…
Randomness of today…

Randomness of today…

--- This evening around 7:40 I was able to get away and go to the grocery store! Pretty sad, when I'm excited about going to Wal-Mart. Nothing out of the…

1st Day of School

Today was the 1st day of school for the 2009-2010 school year. Drew’s going into 6th grade, which means moving up to middle school. Alex is going to Kindergarten! One good thing out of being unemployed right now is that I got to take Alex to his first day of school ever.

Asleep at the Legos

Isn't this so cute!?!? Alex has been so into Legos lately. He had them strewn from wall to wall in the living room. He pulled them back out the other…


On the way to playgroup the other day, this was the conversation that ensued: Alex: Mom, I know babies come out of their mom's tummies, but how do they get…

More fun with Playgroup

Today we got to go to the AU airport. Alex got to sit in an older Cessna, which the university owns a slew of them. They are used for the…

Easter Egg Hunt

Last week Alex and I went to playgroup for an Easter Egg Hunt. He had a really good time and got lots of eggs. Here's a few pics. Cool carrot-shaped…