Alex’s 1st Camp Out as a Boy Scout

Alex’s 1st Camp Out as a Boy Scout

Family Friday A couple weekends ago Alex attended his first Boy Scout campout without Rob or us as a family. Boy Scouts is quite different from Cub Scouts in that…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {4.2015}

This month I was happy about: that something miraculous happened and now my blogs are working normally. *fingers crossed* This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's…
Alex’s Arrow of Light Ceremony

Alex’s Arrow of Light Ceremony

Family Friday Last Friday night was big night in the life of our family for 2 reasons. It was the Arrow of Light Ceremony and for those who are not…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {3.2015}

This month I was happy about: Rob and Drew getting to go to Florida for Spring Training, while Alex and I hang at home for Spring Break. This year I'm…
Blue & Gold Banquet

Blue & Gold Banquet

Family Friday {Blue & Gold Banquet} Last week was the annual Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet. It was our last one, since Alex is moving up to Boy Scouts…
Alex’s 11th Birthday Party

Alex’s 11th Birthday Party

Family Friday {Alex's 11th Birthday Party} Alex turned 11 last Saturday. Here he is on his birthday, long hair and all. Being that he's the 2nd child, it seems as…
Alex’s 11th Birthday

Alex’s 11th Birthday

Family Friday {Alex's 11th Birthday} Tomorrow is my lil' one's birthday. I know I say it all the time, but time if flying by. He's no longer little, but still…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {2.2015}

This month I was happy about: getting to eat good food in Texas. This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's my rating system: ♥ ♥ =…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {1.2015}

I was happy about: going to Gatlinburg with the Boy Scouts. I was sad about: hurting my back in Gatlinburg. Books I read were: Bread and Wine: A Love Letter…

Christmas 2014

Family Friday {Christmas edition} Christmas came and went so fast. We enjoyed our normal breakfast of apple dumplins and sausage balls. Opened gifts and then, Rob started preparing our Christmas…

Auburn Christmas Parade

On this Christmas Eve, many of us are busy hustling around getting last minute shopping trips, wrapping gifts, and cooking. I'm guilty of all three, I'm afraid. I thought I…
4 Wheelin’

4 Wheelin’

Family Friday {4-Wheeler Edition} Earlier this month, we enjoyed a nice time visiting with one of our good friends, Mr. Paul, at his place. We enjoyed lunch at the Broadway…
Colonial Day

Colonial Day

Family Friday {Colonial Day} Since Alex is in 5th grade, it was the year to have Colonial Day. I bought Drew a Colonial Outfit back when he was in 5th…
At the Farm

At the Farm

Family Friday {At the Farm edition} A few weekends ago my family and I enjoyed part of our Saturday at our friend's Tony farm. Most years we go and hang…
Acolyting at Church

Acolyting at Church

At the end of the summer, Alex went to acolyte training at church. A few weeks ago, he and all the new acolytes were installed and recognized. He received his cross.
Acolyte Installation and Recognition

Acolyte Installation and Recognition

Back to School Days

Back to School {2014}

Yesterday was the first day of school and I've already belabored the fact I'm sick about it. Here's my boys before their 1st day as a Junior and a 5th…
Saying Goodbye To Summertime

Saying Goodbye to Summertime…

As usual the summer blew by in a heartbeat and here I am, just sad that it's over. I'm not super excited about the kids going back to school and…

Snazzy Specs

I recently took Alex to get his eyes checked again. He got an "upgrade" on his glasses and chose these snazzy specs! How grown up does he look? Ahh! Just…