Monthly Digest – November 2022

Monthly Digest – November 2022

November was actually a long month for me, but then again I still can’t believe it’s almost December. It’s the Christmas season and I’m just not sure I’m ready for that.


We had our yearly crawl space inspection and its a good thing because the pipe coming from our kitchen sink had a huge hole in it. Perhaps professionals, who may know the cost to jet sewer line, can fix that.

This meant that everything from the sink including all the stuff from the disposal was emptying out into the crawl space. Yuck! Luckily we were able to get a plumber out that next Monday, right before Thanksgiving to get it fixed and cleaned up. We also had them do a check-up of all our pipes and drains. Homeowners who have septic tanks in their properties should also schedule periodic septic pumping and septic tank services with the help of professional plumbers.

When selecting a plumbing professional, you can Rely on expert plumbers in Vancouver who have the necessary skills and experience to handle any plumbing issue efficiently.

We did Thanksgiving and it was lovely.

Since we didn’t spend thanksgiving with extended family, we met up with my sis-in-law’s family for a volley game and then Culver’s for frozen custard.

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Loving the cooler weather and this cardigan is the coziest!

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Happy I am just so happy for my little sister and hubby. They are finally pregnant. I just pray that she has a smooth and easy pregnancy. So excited to meet the little nugget.

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Excited for time off in a few weeks.


Dreading I’m dreading this week and next, as it’s full on hire mode at work and it’s just super stressful for me. I know everything will turn out fine, it’s just makes me anxious and it’s a bummer to have to work so hard during this time of year. haha! 😉

I don’t drink coffee, but I thought this was funny.

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Reminiscing Since we’re getting a tree this weekend, I’ve been thinking about tree shopping in years passed.

Shopping for a Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree Shopping 08 - 15
Cutting down the Tree
ChristmasTreeShopping2012 - 03
Social My empty nester group met up for Tapas Tuesday at The Depot this last week and it was so much fun.

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Work Memories Just a bit frustrated, I think mainly because I’m burnt out still and I just can’t get out of this funk. 🙁

Lesson Learned We got a Home Goods and I finally went over there last weekend. I love that store…I only spent money on a gift for a Christmas Bridal shower, but I saw so many things I wanted.

Current Project Just decorating for Christmas. I started last night. It was a frustrating start. I plugged all the garlands in to make sure the lights worked and 2 of them did not. One of them, I started taking the lights off then, they came back on, so I ended up not having to redo those. I just hope they stay on the entire season. The other strand, as I was trying to pull them off the garland, I couldn’t figure out how I got them on there. They weren’t just wrapped around and around. I finally just cut the lights off. haha! So that made for a slow start so I didn’t get nearly as much done. I hope to at least get my livable tonight because right now everything is strewn from one side of the house to the other.

Drew was such a huge support to Caitlyn when her Mom passed away earlier this month.
We also all went on a Double Dates in Atlanta later in the month.

Alex has just been busy working and hanging out with Madison.

Rob has just been busy as always.

Most remembered So much to remember, but death (of Caitlyn’s mom) and new life (my sister’s miracle pregnancy) are probably what I’ll remember.

Wearing I got this Gobble Gobble tshirt to wear on Thanksgiving and it was just so cute. I got these earrings to go with it.

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This Weekend We’re going to get our Christmas tree this weekend. Drew and Caitlyn are coming with us, but Alex has to work so that’s a bummer.

Looking Forward to Next Month Like I said earlier, time off! I sure I hope I can get out of this funk.


Eating Still eating healthy Carbs, high protein, no processed food. The holidays make eating much harder, but I’m going to keep making an effort.

Favorite The Avocado Burger from Draft house…my favorite cook (Alex) made it.

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Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post
Favorite Pic (not already posted)

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Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.


  1. Wait…what???? We should have an annual crawlspace inspection???? Crud. That makes total sense but I never thought about it!!!!! I’ve always been a renter until I had to move to Arkansas to take care of my 95-yo mother. My dad always took care of everything house-car-yard related so I know nothing.

    Who should I call for that kind of thing I wonder? You said a plumber was called AFTER the inspection so it’s not a plumber doing the inspection.

    I only go down into that crawl space a few times a year to dump pellets in the water softener machine. Too spidery and scary down there.

    • Lysha

      I mean, we never did it until there was huge issue, but I would recommend it to save money in the long run. We used a company called AFS, but you can google crawl space inspection in your area.

  2. Joanne

    Those throwback photos of tree shopping are so cute! Congrats to your sister; that is exciting news.

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