
Read more in my weekly posts:
Week 1 & 2
Week 3
This season of The Amazing Race.
Happy that Alex is back to enjoying his Rubix cubes and such again. This is the new one he got with some Christmas money.

Excited Auburn’s Men Basketball team ranked #1.

Disappointments Upsetting that the Erasure concert I got tickets to for Christmas was completely cancelled due to some band member family issues.
Dreading I hate making decisions. It stresses me out and there was a lot of that and still a lot more of that to come.
Reminiscing Looking back through old January photos makes me miss Rob’s friend, Jason (right) who came to Auburn quite often to play at the Jazz spot in town. He passed away a few years ago suddenly.
Social no social stuff. Not even Sunday School because our teacher has been busy.
Work Memories Not having many applications in December, so only hired about 1/3 of what I really need to fill all our student worker hours. Luckily there was a bunch more applications and I was able to fill more shifts. 1st semester to have this issue this bad and still have lots of shifts that I can’t fill.
Lesson Learned Learn to grateful in your everyday (using the Morning! app)
Current Project No projects in January really…I don’t think. February will be seed starting month, so that’s always fun.
Drew turned 24! How can that even be?

Alex started his last semester of his senior year in High school. Dropped his 4th block, so he now has early release.
Rob had COVID, which was really like a cold.
Most remembered not sure…maybe the whole weird face issue I had.
Wearing It’s been pretty cold here for us at least, so I’ve been wearing layers and lots of cozy cardigans.
This Weekend Hopefully just hanging out and watching the Olympics. I’ll probably get my seeds started this weekend, hopefully.
Looking Forward to Next Month seed starting. Here’s the seeds I ordered for this year to add to my collection.

Lots of avocado and toast for breakfast. I’ve also made a soup new each week, which have been all very yummy. I need to get my act together and share some recipes.
Favorite I have been loving my tacos lately.

Entertainment has it’s own Monthly post now>>>Watching & Listening Jan. 2022
Favorite Pic I spotted this lizard on a walk and snapped some shots with my phone. Loved the teal background really brought out the colors in his eyes.

Look back at last month.
Happy Birthday to Drew! We are also in the final months of senior year…hard to believe. Hope you have a good weekend!
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