Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
I have had the calendar plugin on my blog for years, but this year I decided to make more use of it. I went through and added drafts for all the posts I want to write this month. Each week, I look at what I have drafts for, for that week and it helps me ensure I get those posts written and scheduled/posted.
Happy Ugh…Not sure there’s one thing in particular I’m happy about really.
Excited to plan our trips this year! Trip to Fort Worth, to see my mom, sister, and family. San Francisco. And a we’re taking our niece on a cruise.
Disappointments Auburn Men’s Basketball lost both games last week.
Reminiscing Today on Timehop app this pic of my dad popped up and it is so weird. Dad on his bike, on the trainer inside with a heating pad wrapped around his arm. Like I said…weird, but I love it. Dad was so weird. I think most adrenaline junkies are pretty odd and do interesting things.

Social Returned to Bible Study this month is pretty much the only social thing, I’ve done.
Work Memories
See below…
Lesson Learned
The entitlement of people these days is exhausting!!
Current Project

Trying to get all of our Christmas Cruise posts written and posted. Should have that done by the end of February. Here’s what I’ve shared so far:
Day 0 & 1
Day 2 & 3
Day 4 – San Juan
Drew had a birthday and I’m still in disbelief that I have a 26 year old!

Alex was on the restaurant he works at called Vintage 2298’s social media!

Rob worked the Christian Retreat (Walk to Emmaus) for January.
Most remembered Drew’s birthday. Loved that I got to do lunch and dinner with him.
This Weekend I think we’ll go to the AU Gymnastics meet on Friday night and church/Sunday School on Sunday. Nothing real exciting.
Looking Forward to Next Month February…nothing really too exciting that I can think of.
Eating lots of good food. I shared these stuffed peppers on the blog this week!

Favorite Air Fryer pork chop – Can’t wait to do this again!

Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Favorite Pic Can’t remember if I shared this already. I try to only post a pic I haven’t shared yet.

Last month I didn’t share my monthly goals/to do list, but I do plan to have to do this yeach month to work towards and accomplish. Some of these will be goals I have every single month, but I’ll still put them on here to help keep me accountable.
January Recap:
Clean home office Complete!
Do a major clean out of my home office closet Complete!
Clean/declutter 2 areas Complete! I cleaned out our coat closet and our entry way table ‘junk’ drawer
Buy less things, but if I have to, buy them locally. Try to avoid Amazon.I would say I accomplished this, because I did go to the store for things I needed. I only purchased a few must haves on Amazon. I talked myself out of several things I wanted to get on Amazon that were not absolute necessities right now.
Keep up with The Bible Recap and take notes.Yes, I did this!
Walk/exercise 5 days a week Mainly due to really cold weather, I only completed 2 out of the 4 weeks = 50%
Walk/exercise 5 days a week
Organize/purge my closet
Have Rob declutter his chest of drawers
Refold all of my and Rob’s stuff in drawers to save space
Finish patching and painting breakfast area (dreading!!)
Go out to eat with a friend
Look back at last month.
It sounds like you have some wonderful travel plans this year! Happy Birthday to your son.