2024::Jan 7-13

By | January 16, 2024

week 02 - 2024

+ men’s basketball game

+ I found my favorite dressing at Walmart – Chik-fil-a’s Creamy Salsa!

+ Dinner at Walk-On’s. I had Catfish Atchafalaya (blackened fillets, crawfish étouffée, grilled shrimp, and rice)

+ Lots of cleaning of my office. Also not pictured is my of office closet that I did a major purge of. I’m still working on it, but I have so much more room in there now.

+ Sunday lunch that I made for in-laws

+ Good ole Samford Hall

+ Work dinner with Rob and folks from a company he works closely with at Vintage 2298, were Alex works. This was the Brussel sprouts appetizer. Yummy!

+ My new wine glasses. I don’t drink much wine as I really try to limit drinking my calories, but these glasses are so pretty I had to try them out.

+ Friday, Drew and I went to the Auburn Gymnastics meet vs Kentucky. We didn’t win, but it was still fun.

4 thoughts on “2024::Jan 7-13

  1. Missy

    So many wonderful things this week! Also, I’m jealous you can find the Chic-fil-a sauce! We miss it so terribly here in Alaska!


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