Memories of the Month {8.2020}

Memories of the Month {8.2020}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: Drew graduating even if there wasn’t a true commencement (post coming soon).

This month I was sad about: just how badly people treat people. (case in point – scroll down to the Thoughts section)

Here’s my rating system:
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time

Movies I watched were:
Didn’t watch any. Although, I really do wanna watch The Lost Husband.

TV Shows I watched were:
One Tree Hill (started rewatching on a free month of Hulu. Got to Season 2 Epi 10)
Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu) ♥

Rob and I watched:
Last Man Standing – reruns bc my husband loves this darn show!
America’s Got Talent ✓ ✓
The Morning Show (Free year of Apple TV) ♥
The Office (Netflix) ✓ ✓

Things I read:
No time or energy for books. Just reading some of my fav blogs lately:
And tons more…

Podcasts I listened to:
Blood Ties – Season 2 – Haven’t finished yet.

My favorite song this month was:
Dont Give Up On Me

What I remember about work was:
Working in the office the first week of classes and training new students. Longest week ever!

A lesson I learned this month was:
My arm hair stands up when I’m really, really mad!

A friend and I:
chatted on the phone about a Facebook group that I recently got invited to and I invited her. It’s a place for our area where people ask for and give away free stuff. It’s a great group so far.

My favorite pic that I took was:
I took tons of fav photos with Drew’s celebrations. I do love this one though.

The favorite thing I cooked was: Enchiritos. I keep forgetting to take pics of this so I can post the recipe. It’s Alex favorite Mexican dish I make. It’s a Copy Cat recipe based on Taco Bell’s Enchiritos that was on their menu back in the day. So good!

Drew: and Caitlyn had us over for lunch last Sunday. I didn’t take any pics, but we had a lovely time. Their apartment is all clean and organized and have they have stuff on the walls. Caitlyn made a wonderful lunch as well.

Alex was: busy with school and work.

Rob was: working from home more because of his new office at home.
Rob and Drew went to the high school football game this last Friday. Rob was excited to be able to get ticket. The high school is selling ticket to parents of football players, cheerleaders, band members, etc. Just parents of those people participating in the game. Rob was able to snag some from a friend who had extras.


The thing I’ll remember most from this month was:
Well, besides my first born graduating from college…The big change of having Drew move out and Alex move into Drew’s old room and Rob taking Alex’s old room as an office.

Look back at last month.


1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the blog shout out. I’m going to check out the other bloggers you mentioned! Hope you have a good week!

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