Helton Creek Falls/Dukes Creek Falls

By | July 23, 2012

Day 2 started with some homemade waffles and jambalaya quiche and some web surfing while surrounded in the beauty of the mountains.
4thOfJulyTrip2012 - 001

Soon after, we threw on our swimsuits and hiking boots and headed to Helton Creek Falls
Driving to Helton Creek Falls with Daisy in the back with the kids
Daisy usually travels in a travel crate, but with 8 people in the Pilot, there’s was no room for her crate.

Helton Creek Falls

All the pics shown on this post are of the upper falls at Helton Creek.
Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

On the way back to the cabin for lunch.
4thOfJulyTrip2012 - 135

Quick dip in the hottub.
In the Hottub

After lunch, several of us decided to hike at Dukes Creek Falls.
Dukes Creek Falls

Daisy loved it!
Dukes Creek Falls
If I’d only had had my video camera. As we were walking along the trail, Daisy spotted a squirrel and thank goodness the squirrel was running up on the left hand side of the trail, because Daisy took after it. It was quite a steep incline but some how Daisy made her way up, only to quickly slide back down. She tried it again and this time made it even higher, only to slip and then T-bone a tree on the way down. OUCH! It was hilarious for us, but probably pretty painful for her. God was looking out for her though because if that squirrel would have gone to the right, it had to be a 100+ foot drop.

When we made it to the falls, the over 100 foot set of falls was unbelievable. One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. Pictures don’t even come close to doing it justice.
Dukes Creek Falls

Dukes Creek Falls

We enjoyed the sites and sounds of the falls for a bit and then hiked back to our car.
Dukes Creek Falls

For dinner Rob, with the help of the rest of us, cooked his homemade pasta, sauces, and meatballs. YUM!

Another great day!

Day 2 Pics

Blairsville Cabin
Day 1 Post
Day 3 Post
Day 4 Post
Day 5 Post

4 thoughts on “Helton Creek Falls/Dukes Creek Falls

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