Currently::May 2022

Currently::May 2022

I didn’t realize it was time for another Currently post until I saw my fellow bloggers posting them today! So here we are!

::consuming:: Last week I was consuming lots of BBQ and sweet stuff. This week I need to be consuming all the healthy things, but I’m not.

::feeling:: a bit overwhelmed with all the things. Work wise, it’s time to hire for summer and start writing my self-evaluation that will be due soon. Life wise, graduation time and all the things that go with graduation and company. We have a wedding we’re attending and helping with the weekend before graduation.

::finding:: it so hard to be motivated to plant my garden. I’ve already accidentally killed a bunch of seedlings because I neglected them. I really wished I wouldn’t have planted any seeds for this season.

::following:: Something I’m trying hard NOT to follow is the Johnny Depp case and I keep seeing headlines about, etc. Any of you following that?

::spending:: a lot of time running around trying to figure out what I need to be doing. Like I said, I’m just a bit overwhelmed. I need to just sit down and make a checklist of everything that needs to be done with a deadline. That will help me to have a plan and feel less panicked.

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.
My other Currently posts from this year:
January | February | March | April


  1. I have not been following Johnny Depp’s case – although it is right here in my neighborhood. (and, yes, in the news feeds all.the.time!) How did it end up in Virginia? Do you know??

  2. Something I’m trying hard NOT to follow is the Johnny Depp case and I keep seeing headlines about, etc. Any of you following that?

    YES, but I’m not going to tell you anything about it since you’re trying NOT to follow it. Bwaaaaa haaaa haaaa!!!!!

    Just kidding. I’m not following it. I want to slap both of them.

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