Currently – December 2020

Currently – December 2020

Holy moly! How is it December? Here’s another Currently post.

I have been doing some baking lately. I have several recipes to update or just share for the first time. I’ve made pumpkin bread, oatmeal cookies, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and Chocolate Chip Toffee Cookies. Of course with the holidays coming, I’ll be making more cookies like Pretzel Square Bites, Snowballs, Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Crackers. I’m getting tired just thinking about it.

I have done a tiny bit of Christmas decorating. I have 1 Christmas bin that we store in a different part of the attic that is super easy to get to, so I had Alex pull that down for me on Sunday. This weekend, we will pull down the other bins that are in the other part of the attic and decorate as well as going to a Christmas tree farm to get our tree.

I haven’t really bought much of anything for gifting yet. We usually don’t start till a week or 2 into December.

I am hoping for a less stressful December, but so far it has not been that way at all. Its just been one thing after another, and I’m tired yall! Between work stuff, family stuff, house stuff, I’m ready for calm. I’m ready for resolve in all these things.

I am sending all of you the best during this Christmas season. I hope you have a relaxing and stress free holiday season and that you stay safe and illness free.

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.


  1. Chocolate covered peanut butter crackers sound amazing!!! Actually all of it does…

    I hope that your month becomes less stressful and that you find some calm.

  2. Hope December brings some calmness and Christmas decorations always help 🙂 Enjoy the season!

  3. I feel like “one thing after another” is the theme of 2020 and also the theme of the holiday season in general, so in combination… whew. Hope you can enjoy though. And now I think I need to go make some pretzel square bites!

    • Lysha

      The pretzel bites are some of are absolute favorites and just so easy to make. Finding the ingredients this time of year is the hard part.

  4. We usually haven’t bought many presents by this time of year either but I was worried our region was going to go into lockdown so my husband and I took the day off on Friday and got almost all of our shopping done in one big extravaganza. It was actually pretty fun and I’m so glad it’s done!

    We’re getting our tree on Friday and I can’t wait!!!

    • Lysha

      That is really smart. I’m struggling to find everything I want to buy this year.

  5. I’ve done most of my holiday shopping. I didn’t want to worry about shipping being bogged down, so I tried to start early since I’m doing most of it via online shopping. hah

    Ooh lots of great treats!!

    • Lysha

      Good for you on the shopping! I am over here struggling to find stuff.

  6. I’m tired just reading the list of everything you’re baking! I’d need a break just after baking a couple of those things! Hoping for less stress for you as the month continues and the year winds down.

    • Lysha

      Did your blog move? I tried to visit your blog through bloglines I think and it didn’t show anything.

  7. This whole danged year has been one thing after another. I tend to say “If it’s not one thing, it’s ten.” And now my husband is saying it. I thought 2019 was intolerable. Ha!!

    Look at you with the baking. I did bake a bit for Thanksgiving but we are back on Weight Watchers because of it. Yikes. Hope to get back into something that doesn’t require Spandex before Christmas baking begins.

    Wishing you a gentler rest of December and the best January on record.

    • Lysha

      I’m figuring out health wise what I want to do now that we’re in the new year. Somethings gotta give!

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