Christmas Past

PJ's 1998 2004 2005 Santas through the years This isn't all the Santa photos. I'm missing 1998 and 2002, I think:-( If I find them, I'll redo it! You'll notice…

Candy Scarecrows {Halloween}

I made these back in 2005 for Drew's class at day care. They're really cute, fun, and easy to make. Great little treat to send to school, have your family…

May 18-22 Menu

I go through phases where I just don't feel motivated to plan, cook, plan to cook…well you get the point. But when I don't plan, I tend to stick with…

Dancing Daze

I was reading Rae Ann's blog yesterday and she had a post about her daughter in dance costumes. Seeing those, just took me back. In fact, it did so much…

Friday Forum – Dream Vacation

The object of today's Friday Forum is to: Imagine that you could drop everything and leave *right now* for your ultimate DREAM vacation destination. Money is no object, and you…

13 Layer Dip

Thirteen Random Things You Like Doing:
1. surfing net
2. shopping
3. sleeping
4. playing with my kids
5. watching my kids learn
6. reading magazines
7. traveling
8. cruising
9. cleaning
10. teaching
11. eating
12. going to Auburn sports
13. taking baths

Twelve Movies You Own
1. Jerry Maguire
2. True Lies
3. Zeus & Roxanne
4. Star Wars
5. Shrek
6. Shall We Dance
7. Spiderman
8. Shrek 2
9. Fluke
10. Soccer Dog
11. The Fugitive
12. Free Willie

Busy Weekend

We had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to Birminham and went to the Birmingham Botanical & Japanese Gardens. Then, we went to the Summit to shop. We ate dinner…

Conversations with a Bug

A-man went bug catching today. We keep getting these little black millipede/caterpillar like bugs in the house, but they die real fast. I guess because of the cool climate inside.…


This summer is flying by like it always does! I've been juggling time with my kids with trying to get stuff done for work! I just love people who say…

15 Months, Already?

This reminded me that I didn't post about T baby's 15 month appointment the other day! He's 24 lbs. 11 oz. and 31 inches long, which about 50th percentile. The…

Team Endorphins Fighting Hard!

Wow! Just listened to another report from the Team Endorphins Blog. My Uncle and his partner Shanna are fighting 106 degree weather in the Mojave Desert! The crew also had…
At the park

At the park

We went to the park today! Here's some pictures... Drew actually posing for his pic! I love bucket hats! Swinging!! My boys...

105 Things About Me

1. A lot of people mispronounce my first name. 2. I was born in September. 3. I'm a Libra. 4. I was raised by my paternal grandparents since I was…