Today I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday a week late, because last week I was on vacation.

What We’re Eating
This last month we learned how to cook Spare Ribs. The university has a meat lab, and ever since the Pandemic we’ve been ordering from them more often. After cooking ribs on Memorial Day weekend, I found more ribs and Publix for really cheap, so we got a few racks. They are so yummy. Next time we make them I need to take pics, so I can share the recipe.
What I’m Reminiscing About
Lots of talk about Drew’s upcoming college graduation in August has me reminiscing about him and not just the 22 years of his life, but especially the last 4 years. He has lived at home during college and I’ve seen him grow and change so much. He will be moving out soon after graduation, so that’s totally bittersweet for me. I am excited to see where life leads him!
What I’m Loving
I am loving this homemade Strawberry Limeades I’ve been making with fresh Strawberries and Limes. I originally wanted to do Strawberry Lemonade, but Walmart was out of Lemons on my order so they subbed Limes. I decided to go with it and they are yum! I’ll share the recipe soon too.
What We’ve Been Up To
Well last week we were on vacation. I’m going through the 1,000+ pics and hope to have posts up about that in the coming weeks. We did a trip to St. Simon’s Island, GA. We had so much fun.
What I’m Dreading
Not dreading much for the upcoming month of July. I am already dreading returning to normal work and school that will come in August. That’s what my brain does. It finds the next major thing and worries about it and that’s what I’m trying NOT to think about this month.
What I’m Working On
I’m working on hanging up some frames that got knocked down in the hall way as well as ordering some new pics for around the house. With lots of family possibly coming into town in August for Drew’s graduation, I like to have all that updated.
What I’m Excited About
I am still so excited about my garden. Look for a post in the next week or 2 about that!
What I’m Watching/Reading
As always, I’ll list what I’m watching/reading/listening to in my Memories of the Month post that will be up on July 2nd, hopefully!
What I’m Wearing
Shorts & T-shirt
What I’m Doing This Weekend
Well, this weekend is 4th of July weekend, and we’re usually traveling over the 4th. However, since Drew started his last semester (a summer minimester) this week, we traveled last week instead. We will probably just hang out here and visit my in-laws for an afternoon. Nothing major.
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
In July, I’m looking forward to continuing to work from home and harvesting all the things from my garden, before the plants get too hot and start dying off in August.
What Else is New
Not sure if I shared this already, but Alex got a job! Yes, my 16 year old is a working young man. He’s working at a fast food place here in town called Foosackley’s. He seems to be enjoying it so far. He’s been back in the kitchen, washing dishes, prepping trays, etc.
In case you missed last month…May’s What’s Up Wednesday
Congrats to both sons – on the job and the graduation. I can’t wait to see more about your trip.
First job; graduation and moving out! What wonderful milestones.
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