What I Watched on YouTube on the Regular (Spring 22)

What I Watched on YouTube on the Regular (Spring 22)

In 2021, I did quarterly posts about the channels I had been watching.
Fall 2020 |  Summer 2021 |  Winter/Spring 2021 |  Fall 2021

I found there’s a core set of channels I watch on a regular basis. As soon as a new video comes out, I watch it. Today I decided to share the channels I watch like TV Shows and then throughout the year, I will share new channels I’m watching or favorite videos, etc.

What I Watched on YouTube


Kara and Nate [2.98M subscribers – 829 Videos] – Kara and Nate are quite popular and for good reason. Their videography and editing is on point. They are entertaining and funny and also go to amazing places!
The Endless Adventure [522K subscribers – 768 Videos] – Quirky and fun, Eric and Allison share about their life traveling, sometimes in their Winnebago, Clementine.
Mr and Mrs Adventure [91.3K subscribers – 259 Videos] – This is my most recent added Travel channel. Brittany and Drew who currently travel in a self converted Sprinter Van they call Spirit are so sweet and funny. They are currently making their way down the Baja Mexico peninsula.
Raya and Louis [22K subscribers – 74 Videos] – Raya and Louis are currently traveling by way of converted school bus down to Costa Rica where they will be building a home. I’ve really enjoyed watching them overcome so much, driving a school bus through the narrow streets of different cities.

What I Watched on YouTube


Eamon & Bec [1.08M subscribers – 337 Videos] – Here’s another channel I subscribed to for awhile, but never really watched much. However, I started watching them a little more after they did a video with Kara and Nate back in October. Back in January, they shared a video that Bec has cancer. They are so gracious to be sharing about their lives even through this trial.
Michel Janse [127K subscribers – 601 Videos] – Sometimes when YouTube suggests channels, I’m like “Why?” This channel is one that when I watched the first few videos, I was like why do I wanna watch this, but then Michel shared that she was moving back to Texas from L.A. That got me interested. Turns out she was going through a breakup, well a divorce actually. She is so inspiring and I love when her parents come to visit her seeing the sweet relationship between her and her parents now that she is living closer to where she grew up.
Shelby Church Vlogs [174K subscribers – 488 Videos] // Shelby Church [1.71M subscribers – 431 Videos] – Shelby is 20 something YouTuber who recently renovated a house along side her twin sister Monica Church (listed below) in Palm Springs, which is now an AirB&B. She’s now on the hunt for a new project.
Monica Church Seattle Real Estate [13.8K subscribers – 7 Videos] // Monica Church [1.44M subscribers – 159 Videos] – Monica is Shelby’s twin sister. I started watching Monica first, but she doesn’t vlog now as much because she does real estate as her main job. I still really enjoy all her video about her life in Seattle with her boyfriend and their dogs.
Isabel Paige [648K subscribers – 120 Videos] – Isabel is interesting. She built a home and a storage shed in a remote area, maybe somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. She gardens and cooks and enjoys bathing in the lake near her tiny home. She’s currently traveling overseas with her boyfriend Logan in a van.

What I Watched on YouTube


Roots and Refuge [527K subscribers – 1,014 Videos] – Jess and Miah is still my all time favorite channel. I’ve written about her before, but her spirit for life and her passion for homesteading is infectious. Even if you’re not into homesteading, watching her and her family share their life, now in South Carolina is just so addictive.
A Good Life Farm [33.1K subscribers – 1,083 Videos] – Constance is a homesteader in my state of Alabama. I’ve ‘known’ her before she really got into YouTubing on a regular basis. She has blogged for years and that’s how I first met her as we both wrote for Alabama Women Bloggers (that doesn’t exist anymore). I enjoy following along with her life. Her videos include home cooking, homestead life, garden tours, devotionals, etc.
Justin Rhodes [947K subscribers – 2,084 Videos] – I really got into this channel back in the fall when my life was turned upside down and I needed something new to distract me. I had subscribed to Justin, but never really embraced him till then. I love watching him and his kids go out on their land each day and work. I love that he’s sharing his passion of homesteading with 1,000s of other not only through his YouTube channel, but also through his subscription service Abundance +, as well as conferences, and inviting people out to his farm for hands on teaching.

What I Watched on YouTube

Van Lifers

Maddie Taylor [50K subscribers – 49 Videos] – This 20 something girl travels in her self-converted van with her dog, Eliza. I enjoy her artsy, thoughtful way of sharing about her life.
Anna Uncharted [25.1K subscribers – 38 Videos] – Anna is also a 20 something girl who built her van herself. This girl has been through a lot in the last few years, but still shares in such a fun way. I just love her videos.
Linnea & Akela [84.3K subscribers – 84 Videos] – Yes another single female van dweller who converted her van herself. Her and her white German Shepherd Dog, Akela, captured my attention right way. In fact, she’s one of the first single van lifers that caught my attention.
Christan Schaffer [171K subscribers – 38 Videos] – Christian is also a single female vanlifer, but she travels for her job as an outdoor adventure photographer.

What I Watched on YouTube


Homemade Wanderlust [391K subscribers – 506 Videos] – I started watching ‘Dixie’ back when she was hiking the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) and realized she’s an Auburn grad who gave up her 8-5 engineering job to be outside. Since then she’s completed many other thru hikes.
Jamie and Sarah [61.3K subscribers – 113 Videos] – Super cute couple up in Michigan who share their videos about furniture flipping, house flipping, ways to make money on the side, etc. They just bought a gorgeous Tudor home that they are now living in and renovating.
Daily Dose [13.4M subscribers – 360 Videos] – I watch this Alex. These videos are conglomerations of videos found on the internet. Really interesting, educational, and funny.
Vlog Creations [3.24M subscribers – 398 Videos] – Another channel I watch with Alex. These videos, however, are silly shenanigans that sometimes get on my nerves, but they are kinda funny and over the top ridiculous.


  1. Tanya

    Thanks for all the recommendations!

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