Week 19 [2021]

By | May 17, 2021

Week 19 is May 10-16, 2021. Last week started off with our church having a “Welcome Home” event to bring every one back to reintroduce church activities and celebrate church reopening.

2021-05-16 17.08.09

There was a petting zoo with lots of cute animals.

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In the garden I planted some tomatoes using the no dig method, where you pile fresh compost up and plant seedlings.

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I went to TJMaxx and got Kayleigh a new toy. She loves new toys with squeakers inside. She disembowels them, quickly removing the squeaker only to have us pick it up and not letting her chew up that piece of plastic. I just makes me nervous, she might choke on it.

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My cookbook club met, but we were all just enjoying our time together so no pictures were taken. We did it on a week night in hopes that more people could come. It ended up being just 4 us, but we always pick up right where we left off. With COVID we only met once, which was back last October. This time I took orders for Foosackley’s and went and picked it up on the way so the ladies wouldn’t have to worry with bringing their own food. That was another change we made because of COVID.

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