1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)? How often do you work a puzzle?
I like puzzles ok. My younger son and I really enjoyed puzzles during the COVID shutdown. There are several puzzle apps that I enjoy: Cube Block, Figgerits, and Cross Math just to name a few.
2. Something you currently find ‘puzzling’?
Maybe not so much puzzling, but I’m curious to know why Auburn University just fired a winning Women’s Tennis Coach earlier this week along with one of the assistants. I don’t follow tennis, but I do follow what happens at AU.
3. What’s your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal (new baby, bereavement, etc)? Stuffed Pasta Shells
4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network? If so, what’s your favorite program there?
I used to watch so much on Food Network. I really liked the Food Network, back when they actually cooked. I loved Rachel Ray and Paula Deen. Now I feel like its food competition shows, which just aren’t my favorite. I do enjoy Pioneer Woman still.
HGTV is a channel I’ll sometimes turn to when I just want something on in the background. I used to really enjoy Trading Spaces and House Hunters.
5. Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence.
It’s been a productive month!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I’ve been meaning to share this. As I’ve been cleaning and decluttering this month, this statement has made it so much easier to get rid of stuff! It is so freeing.

Last week’s Hodgepodge
Your go-to meals look delicious! Great five words for January!
Those food dishes look so good!!! I am going to look at your gluten free post next. Thanks for sharing!
I occasionally make stuffed shells, but have never done a Mexican style filling. Might have to try that one. I like your rule for decluttering. We are not ‘collectors’ of stuff for the most part and of course moving a lot helps : ) Have a nice week!
The 20/20 statement is such a game changer! I am in complete agreement about Food Network. It really does seem to be mostly competition shows now, and the actual cooking shows tend to be reruns!
thanks for that 20/20 rule it does help in the land of decluttering. Happy last day of January to you!
Those dishes look yummy, so I’m off to check out the recipes! That 20/20 tip is a really sensible one that I’ll need to keep in mind, although at this point I don’t have much in this house that needs decluttered!
Someone else said poppy seed chicken and now I’m gonna have to look into that!
Oh I used to LOVE Trading Spaces; though I often watched with a sort of anxious horror because sometimes I think those poor homeowners must have spent a fortune trying to undo and fix what the designers dreamed up.
Ahhh! Poppy Seed Chicken. I haven’t made that in a long time but it’s always soooo good. Your photos made me hungry!
I just started the Cross math. I like it. It challenges my math skills (which aren’t great). Yum….stuffed pasta shells! Oh my…I think years ago I used to make a dish that was similar to that poppy seed chicken. I need to find the recipe and make it again. I used to make if for my family when I’d go out of town. That 20/20 rule is a good one.