Wedding Rehearsal

By | September 17, 2011

…and lots of details just so I’ll remember them

Wedding Rehearsal Collage
Here’s a collage of today’s wedding rehearsal. It was held at the Groom’s Parents house. I was very impressed by how Nikki and Chris started the rehearsal off. They thanked everyone for coming and Nikki went around and told everyone’s name. Then, Chris went expressed the need for everyone to get along and basically said that if you have something negative to say to keep your mouth shut! I loved it! The night went very smoothly and after all the details were mulled over and the walking was practiced….several times, we sat down to much needed grub! The food was also prepared by Chris’s parents. We had smoked chicken halves, green beans, chicken & rice, and cobbler.

Other details:
I was sad that my brother and his wife and kids didn’t make it, but I will definitely see them tomorrow at the wedding!
I felt useful when Nikki asked me about the coming down the hill whether or not I thought she should have someone carry her train or if it would be ok to let it free flow behind her. It’s always good to feel that your knowledge and past experiences are respected and appreciated.
Nikki and I discussed wedding gowns, then the schedule some more and got all the details ironed out. More than likely all that probably won’t matter, because very rarely do wedding days go as planned!
I really enjoyed hanging out with my Dad and having him there. It was pretty cool to hang out with my Mom and Dad before everyone got there. It’s nice to see divorced people who can be civilized and not act like children.

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