So last month I decided I would alternate my Watching & Listening posts and YouTube posts each month. So today I’m sharing some of the YouTube highlights from June & July.

Hannah’s Happy Home [242K subscribers – 520 videos] – Home – Hannah shares videos all things home; decorating, renovating, organizing, and cleaning. I enjoy watching her clean and organize as it often gives me motivation to get up and do the same!
But First, Coffee [1.05M subscribers – 586 videos] – Home – Kallie shares great life hacks, organization, productivity, and motivation, motherhood, simple DIYs, and frugal shopping.
Liz Fenwick Daily [46.4K subscribers – 472 videos] – DIY – Liz has 2 channels; this one and Liz Fenwick DIY. I have recently started watching her Daily channel. I enjoy watching people thrift and turn things into treasures and Liz is great at that!
Tasha Leelyn [448K subscribers – 545 videos] – Lifestyle – Tasha is a Canadian lifestyle vlogger that lives the country with her 4 dogs! She shares home renos, home decor, thrifting, and more.
Hannah Pak [131K subscribers – 37 videos] – Lifestyle – Hannah lives such an interesting life. She does video editing for Vanity Fair. She lives in NYC with her dog, while her husband lives in another state. Since her full time job for Vanity Fair is in video editing, you can imagine how top notch her YT videos are. She doesn’t share videos that often but when she does its a real treat!
Moya Mawhinney [514K subscribers – 174 videos] – Lifestyle – I just recently added Moya to my list. She recently moved to Paris and I just enjoy watching her vlog style videos about her life there.
Anna Uncharted [61.2K subscribers – 41 videos] – Travel – I’m so excited that Anna has shared a new video. She’s been away from YT/social media for like 6 months and I really have missed her videos. She’s just so fun and her videos are so well filmed and edited.
Favorite Videos
Interesting video about Vegas underground homeless
Three of my favorite youtubers made a series about their riding electric surfboard across the English Channel! All really well done in different aspects.
Kara and Nate
Fun for Louis
Eamon & Bec
I don’t watch youtube much, but these look really interesting! Thanks for sharing!
When do you watch these videos? I had started watching trials on YouTube but it is so time consuming. And I would get so wrapped up in the trials that they would affect my mood. Silly, me. Maybe I need something lighter?? Will check these out.
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