Watching & Listening – July & August 23

Watching & Listening – July & August 23

Hello! It’s time for another watching and listening post, where I share what I’ve been watching and listening to the last 2 months. Last month I wrote about my recent YouTube obsessions: YouTube – June & July 23

Oh, we finally pulled the plug on “old” cable. We have add AT&T Uverse for years, but they continued to go up and up on price. They were trying to price us out of it, because they really don’t want to support it anymore. We finally made the switch to Direct TV stream, so we’ve joined the 21st century and are streaming our regular TV like most other people.

I use the app TV Time app to help me keep up with everything I’m watching, because I really do watch a lot of TV.

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The OutlawsThe Out-laws
(Netflix) was super cheesy, over the top but for some reason couldn’t stop watching. 🙂

TV Shows

Season 3 of Sweet Magnolias (Netflix) came out and I really enjoyed it. Either the acting has gotten better, or I’ve gotten used to it.
Sweet Magnolias

New Shows This Month

The UltimatumThe Ultimatum
Season 1 (Netflix)
Season 1 (Netflix)
The WatcherThe Watcher
The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist (Netflix)
Caitlyn Jenner (Netflix)

Rob and I watched

Mosquito CoastMosquito Coast
Season 2 (AppleTV+)

Ted LassoTed Lasso
Season 3 (AppleTV+)

For All MankindFor All Mankind
Season 3 (AppleTV+)

America's Got TalentAmerica’s Got Talent
Season 18 (NBC)

The Wonder YearsThe Wonder Years
Season 2 (ABC)



Actually, I haven’t really listened to any podcasts in awhile.



Favorite Playlists I’ve been listening to my personal station that Apple music keeps up for me.

Favorite Song Not sure I’ve had a favorite song, but I have been listening to Dean Lewis, Jordy Searcy, and Ben Rector a lot.


  1. Joanne

    I haven’t seen ANY of these! I really enjoyed seasons 1 & 2 of Sweet Magnolias but could not get into season3; I’m sure I’ll give it a try again but I just wasn’t in the mood (I guess).

  2. Tanya

    That’s so interesting how ATT doesn’t want to support the traditional tv cable anymore! I have found that YouTube TV is basically the same as having cable, so I’m sure DTV stream is the same. We don’t have Netflix, but all of these look good!

  3. I thought the same about The Outlaws. So cheesy, but still funny. And the acting bothered me in Sweet Magnolias this season-or maybe it was the super dramatic writing? I just thought Helen was so extreme this season.

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