Tiffany & Dad

I am really missing my Dad lately. I was excited to get some pics that my cousin, Tiffany, took in December on a couple different occasions. Here’s one from December 14, 2013 of my Dad and Tiffany.

Dad & Tiffany on December 14, 2013

I just look at this picture and I just still can’t fathom that he is gone. His body is now ashes waiting to be “blowing in the wind” in their final resting place. I just can’t believe that just a few months ago, he was living life, like nothing was wrong, not knowing anything was wrong. I am so thankful he is no longer scared. No longer in pain. No longer tired. God was so good to Dad in allowing his spirit to be set free and to open His mighty arms beckoning him to come Home. God is so good! I know when we grieve (in most cases), it’s selfishness and I know when I see his pictures and I get sad, I get sad for me because, I can’t call him. Next time we go to Texas, we won’t be seeing him. My heart hurts for that, but I know years from now we will meet again and I get giddy just thinking about it and for that I am grateful! Love you, Dad!


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