The Weekly [9.13-19.2020]

The Weekly [9.13-19.2020]


Last Sunday Rob, Kayleigh, and I rode out to where our Boy Scout troop will start meeting. With COVID our troop has had very little activity. We could have met at a public park, but we have seen some much COVID shaming and strangers posting pictures of kids not wearing masks. We didn’t want to have to deal with any thing like that, so we are lucky to find a private outdoor area where we don’t have to worry about being judged. Anyway, this was the sunset view we saw as we left that night.

2020-09-13 18.46.46

It was my week to work in the office last week. Luckily, it was much calmer and no rude folks!

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Before COVID I had started putting a quote up on my board every week. This was the quote I wrote for the week.

2020-09-14 10.23.22

To my surprise, I got a check from Texas Unclaimed Property! Apparently some type of insurance that I’m thinking my dad had. A little chunk of change is always welcome!

2020-09-16 12.09.05

We got lots of rain last week that came up from Hurricane Sally. This was a tree that fell at work.


This cracks me up. Kayleigh did not want to have anything to do with the dog beds we had the first few months she was here. Now we catch her in the bed in our bedroom. This does not look comfortable!

2020-09-16 11.51.47

This is so aggravating! Just when the pepper starts to turn to the color it’s supposed to be and a bug has started chowing down on it! This is a Chocolate Beauty bell pepper, which goes from green to brown. I was able to cut off the eaten part and chop up the rest. There was luckily no damage on the inside.

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I believe these are the major culprit. Baby Army Worms. I have found several the last few days.

2020-09-18 18.16.11

On a happier garden note, my peas are sprouting!

2020-09-18 18.03.17-1

The doctor switched my blood pressure meds and last week I finally got over to the pharmacy to get it. I’m pretty sure it is causing flair ups with my fibromyalgia. Like severe body aches. Ever had the flu and the body aches that come with that? These body aches were worse than that! I’ve got a message into my doctor to see what I should do.

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World


  1. Ugh! The Covid shaming is making me nutty. It used to be wear a mask when 6′ wasn’t possible (which it usually is outside) and somehow that seems to have translated to have a mask on if you leave your home. Glad the tree didn’t seem like it knocked out the power.

    • Lysha

      I know! We were so glad the tree didn’t seem to effect much except the sidewalk.

  2. Tanya

    I’m so sorry to hear about the bp medicine. I’m on bp med too, and took one at the beginning that made me constantly feel like I needed to cough. Frustrating. I’ve never heard of a brown pepper! I hate that people feel the need to shame others regarding covid. I never wear a mask outside unless I am in a crowded situation, which I never am! Hope you have a good week. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya – The Other Side of the Road

    • Lysha

      It is so weird some of the side effects people have from meds.

  3. That is frustrating to hear about the shaming–people are so judgmental! Bummer about the bugs eating your peppers too, I hope the peas have better luck!

    • Lysha

      Yeah, all the gardening channels I watch say bugs should be less of an issue now. I’m not seeing it!

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