The Weekly [4.7-13.2019]

By | April 15, 2019

The Weekly

1: Last Sunday at church was the children’s play with a Back to the Future Theme. It was so cool, they had a DeLorean out front for people to look at.
2: That afternoon my nieces played LaCrosse.
3: I’ve had a plan to purchase these Magnetic Spice Storage Tins for months, but I’m pretty thrifty, so everyone once in a while I’ll look on amazon. When I found them for about a $1 each, I jumped on it. I put them on the fridge and I love the way it turned out. I frees up counter space and is just a nice clean display. I already had the spice label stickers from a couple Christmases ago.
4: Tuesday after Alex’s soccer game Rob and I went to the AU Baseball Game. It was fun visiting with Gabe Gross’ in-laws that have seats near us.
5: Wednesday I went to the Student Employment awards ceremony. My student, Elizabeth, nominated me for Supervisor of the Year. I didn’t win, but it was still such an honor. Here’s what I wrote on my instagram post from that day.

I love this girl so much. I hired her, if memory serves, the summer going into her sophomore year at Auburn. She’s been such an amazing student assistant, going out of her way to learn all the extras, always stepping up even when I didn’t ask her to, and just being my right hand woman! All the while doing great things with her life, like pursuing her biomedical sciences degree, running Relay for Life, teaching as an SI instructor, and more.

Today she honored me by nominating me for supervisor of the year. Elizabeth, thank you for that but even more, thank you for the last 3 years of hard work and dedication that you’ve given me as well as the faculty, staff, students, and patrons at RBD library.

Wishing you the very best. I’m gonna miss ya, but I hope that you’ll keep in touch and come visit. ?? #austudentswork

6: Wednesday, Alex left at 11pm with the high school marching band. Here you see them marching in the parade on Friday. They got to spend 3 days there. He went to Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom.
7: Saturday, I spent the afternoon cleaning our playroom, which was a wreck and half. It looks really good right now.
8 & 9: I got some plants last week and finally had a chance to pot them. The houseplants I got are “Frankie” (Fittonia Argyroneura), which you see planted here and “Red Maranta” (Maranta Leuconeura). I got 3 herbs, Rosemary, Basil, and Oregano.

At my physical therapy appointment this week, my PT did the cupping therapy (without heat) to my neck and now the back of my neck is pretty bruised. I’m starting to think my issues have gone from muscular to something with my spine. I go back to the doc next week so we’ll see.

Rob and I have been wanting to watch the movie Jersey Boys (on Netflix) since we recently saw the Broadway musical in Atlanta. The movie was really not that good. Acting is lacking and just didn’t hold my attention. I’d say skip the movie and go see the musical if at all possible.

When offered an inch, don’t take a mile!

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World

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