I’ve really done a bad job of keeping up with my ‘the weekly’ posts lately. I’m thinking about changing what they’re called because they’ve kind of morphed from what these posts are supposed to be. Plus when I went to start this post, I thought I was a week behind. Turns out, I’m 3 weeks behind. *eyeroll!*
So let’s jump back to the week of Jan. 25th…
Rob helped me set up my new phone and I’m still getting used to the way a 12 works differently than a 7.

This was COVID week. It was a weird time of sleeping in the guest bedroom and not really spending any time with Rob. Alex had a hard time keeping quarantined for some reason. Any other time he’d be up in his room not hardly coming out like teenagers often do.
On the 5th Rob could come out of quarantine and on Sunday the 7th Alex got to come out his quarantine.
I’ve kind of gotten on a organizing kick. This is the ‘before’ picture. It’s a work in progress so when it’s done, I’ll show it to you. I’ve realized that most people (at least in Rob’s family) don’t keep their pantries full like this. I don’t know why I keep it so full. I’m actually working on using up a lot of this stuff so it’s not so dang full! Do you keep your pantry super full or more sparse? If you think you need more space for your stocks, you can discover the benefits of partnering with Fripp Warehousing for your business’s warehousing needs.

I found these tranfers at the $1 store. Cute things like this bring me a joy. I need to find somewhere to put them.

So sorry that Covid found your family. Hope everyone is on the mend.
That is the cutest pup. Had to do a double take to find it in the picture with your son. I miss having a dog. Someday maybe we will have another one. My pantry is always pretty well stocked. Although, I am on a decluttering/organizing mission this year, too, and we are trying to use things up before I buy more of whatever it is. I just hate to go looking for cream of chicken soup and realize I don’t have any. Like to keep things stocked!!
Rob’s family always says we do fine for at least a month because my pantry is always so full.
I typically keep my pantry pretty sparse but after we had such a hard time finding things for so long we are much more well stocked now. I am thinking of getting some of hose magnetic containers for my crafting supplies! I had a magnetic board but have been unable to find the large divided containers for it.
Yeah, I had already forgotten how the stores had a hard time keeping stuff in stock.
I can’t wait to see your ‘after’ photo of your pantry! I used to be super sparse, but with covid and sometimes having a hard time finding items, I’ve been stocking up a little more and I want to find some organizers to keep it all easy to find.
That’s true. I probably do have a little more than usual because I order 2 of the same things, different brand to make sure I at least get one. They were out of so many things and you wouldn’t know it until pick up time.
Imma help you eat those Cheez-Its!
Glad to hear ya’ll survived COVID!
I keep my pantry pretty well stocked, yet somehow I have managed to run out of Cream of Chicken soup and green chiles.
Yes! Running out of Cream of chicken and Green chiles is totally what happens to me too.
I hope everyone had recovered from their Covid journey. And our pantry is really full right now and I’m trying to plan meals to use up some of the stuff.
Good to know I’m not the only one!
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