Day Trip to Columbus, Georgia

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

We live about 35 miles from Columbus, Ga and we used to travel there quite a bit to shop and for different places to eat. However, now that the Auburn-Opelika…
Auburn Thunder 2.0

Auburn Thunder 2.0

This past spring Alex decided he wanted to try out for Auburn Thunder travel soccer league again. He played back in 2014 for a half season, but didn't make the…
Auburn Thunder Soccer

Deja Vu

Drew had the opportunity back when he was 9 to start playing mid-season for Auburn Thunder Travel Soccer. It's like Deja Vu...Just like big brother, Alex has had the same…
Trip to Birmingham

Trip to Birmingham

Drew and the AHS JV soccer team were in a tournament back in April. He went up with the team. Rob and I went up Friday night to watch the 2 games. Drove back to our friends’ lake house in Dadeville, then served at Emmaus Saturday morning and headed back up to Birmingham after that. Alex was with Rob’s mom while we did all this.

Saturday Soccer

Saturday Soccer

Here's a couple collages with just a few pics from Drew's game and Alex's Game. They played great and pulled out big wins! See all the pics from their games…
End of a Soccer Era

End of a Soccer Era

Now that soccer season is almost half over, it's way passed due for me to talk about the end of an era. Back in the summer, Drew tried out for…
Emotional Ending Soccer Game

Emotional Ending Soccer Game

Last weekend Drew's team played the USC boys from Huntsville. This team suffered a loss on August 31st, when one of their players passed away due to the Swine Flu.…


Drew has a mini-tournament in Birmingham today. It SNOWED on us on our way up there. Nice! LOL! It was in the 30's and we froze. We played the #1…