Carnival Dream::Day 1 {Embarkation}

Carnival Dream::Day 1 {Embarkation}

Here's my first of probably at least 7 posts about our cruise earlier this month that will include lots of cruising tips. They may be a little spread out, but…
Game Day for Scouts

Game Day for Scouts

Saturday was Scout Day at Auburn University's football game, which means all Scouts and Scout leaders get in free! It was an 11:20 kick off which made for another early…

Calgon take me away….

As if it weren't difficult enough coming back from a week long vacation. Getting back to reality after a week away is just down right hard. We've also had (one…

Busy Football Friday

Friday was a busy day. As much as I had hoped to get a lot of items marked off my to-do-list, it just didn't happen. I spent about half a…

Happy Birfday to Moi!

Today was my birthday and it was good. My day started off by having to go the Auburn Satellite Office to get my tags renewed. Nothing like waiting to the…
Wedding Rehearsal

Wedding Rehearsal

...and lots of details just so I'll remember them Here's a collage of today's wedding rehearsal. It was held at the Groom's Parents house. I was very impressed by how…

Fill in the Blank Friday 9.15.11

1. You should always take time to do something for yourself. 2. Puppy dogs make(s) the world a happier place to be. 3. I can hardly wait for Fall! 4.…

Wedding Freak Outs

Oh blog. How I miss you and wish I could spend more time with you, but I can't even see straight right now. I did feel the need to update…
You’re Together Again

You’re Together Again

Dear Grandmother, Happy 62nd Anniversary! After 12 years of celebrating your anniversary with Granddad gone, I know you are elated to be with him up there dancing the night away.…

Sooo Busy!

I always have good intentions of blogging at least once a week, but life has really gotten busy since my last post. Monday, August 30th, I subbed at a school…