Atlanta Staycation 2014 Wrap Up

Atlanta Staycation 2014 Wrap Up

Well, it’s taken me forever to finally wrap up my Atlanta Staycation posts, but I’m finally getting to it. Yay!!

Atlanta Staycation 2014 Wrap Up

If you recall, this year instead of doing our typical mountain trip we decided to stay closer to home and just spend a couple days in Atlanta. We stayed busy the 2 and half days we were there.

Cake Decorating Kits {Review}

Cake Decorating Kits {Review}

This week I'm reviewing My Cake Decorating Kits. I was given this opportunity because I'm part of the Alabama Women Bloggers Community. If you want to learn more about cake…

10 Tips for Long Distance Relationships

I’ve read several blogs lately of people who are in long distance relationships. It got me thinking back to the relationships that I was in back in college that were long distance. I am happy to say that the last long distance relationship I was in ended up in marriage! 🙂 17 years strong!

10 Tips for Long Distance Relationships

I thought I’d write a post about somethings that can make being a part a little easier as well as keeping each of you in check.

I’ll have to preface this by saying that I am a bit envious, as the internet was in it’s infancy when I met Rob. Cell phones weren’t something everyone owned at the time either. So being long distance was quite a bit more difficult 17-18 years ago.

Taco Seasoning Large Batch Recipe

Taco Seasoning Recipe {Large Batch}

The other day I was looking at the commercial brand taco seasoning container. I noticed on the ingredients list that it included all sorts of stuff that was not just seasoning. At that point, I decided to try and make my own Taco Seasoning Recipe to lessen the amount of all those extra chemicals, preservatives, etc that my family ingests. Every little bit helps, right?

Taco Seasoning Recipe {Large Batch} - Ever wanted to make your own taco seasoning? This post gives a taco seasoning recipe for a large batch to save in an airtight container.

Servings: 12
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes

He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}

He Didn’t Procrastinate… {Homecoming}

Yes, there was a time when my teenage son did not procrastinate. School started and some of my friends who have kids in high school, reminded me that homecoming this year is early. They mentioned that they were urging their sons to figure out who they were going to ask and go ahead and git er done (as we say in the South.)

Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {9.2013}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: Rob’s job offer (post coming soon).

This month I was sad about: this continued anxiety/depression that Alex is going through.

Something I accomplished this month was: finally getting the rest of our Wild, Wild West Trip posts done!

Visiting with Family

Visiting with Family

The end of our long trip culminated with visiting of 2 more families. Saturday we enjoyed a visit from Rob’s sister, Jill and her husband and their new baby girl. So exciting to get to meet our newest niece.

Alex had fun playing with his new cousin.
Wild,Wild West Trip - 2013 - 7.27.2013 - 24

Wild,Wild West Trip - 2013 - 7.27.2013 - 44

Traveling in Texas

Traveling in Texas

On Day 7 we got up bright and early and told Granny goodbye. The boys had decided the night before that they wanted to go see the baseball stadium at Texas A&M, which would add some time to the trip. Hence the reason we got up super early.

We first stopped on our way out of town to do a quick exploration of TCU‘s campus. I can’t remember if I mentioned it earlier, but Drew has a goal to go to all major college football stadiums in the south (or something like that.)

Here he stands inside Amon G. Carter Stadium.
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Quick Trip to Florida {September 2013}

SpringHillFloridaTrip2013 - 040

This past weekend we were able to take advantage of Labor Day weekend as Rob’s cousin threw a “non-funeral” birthday celebration for her Dad, Rob’s Uncle Frank. Since Drew was marching during halftime Friday night and didn’t want to leave after halftime we elected to get up at before the Rooster’s Call and get on the road early Saturday morning.

Family Visit and Picture Time

Family Visit and Picture Time

Wednesday was a day of just hanging out and visiting. We started the day off with a trip to Denny's for breakfast with my Granny. Then, we went back to…
Dallas, Texas

Dallas, Texas

Monday we said our goodbyes to Maria and fam. Then it was back on the road headed to my favorite state, Texas!!! We were surprised to see some “mountains” in Southern Oklahoma.
Wild,Wild West Trip - 2013 - 7.22.2013 - 005

We went to a scenic lot and saw that Oklahoma is the hope of the Reflection seismograph .
Wild,Wild West Trip - 2013 - 7.22.2013 - 009

Not long after that we saw this just that made my heart sing. **cue the sounds of angels singing**
Wild,Wild West Trip - 2013 - 7.22.2013 - 017

Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {8.2013}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: new possibilities in our family’s near future.

This month I was sad about: Alex going through this separation anxiety since school has started and I’m back to my regular schedule. 🙁

Something I accomplished this month was: switching cellphone carriers.

Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!

Getting a year older may not be any fun, but getting to pick out cupcakes at Gi Gi's sure is. What a special treat from Rob! I love Gi Gi's…

Too Good Not to Share

One of my former student workers recently posted an awesome link to facebook and it's just too good not to share. I've spent an hour just scrolling through. It's called…
Carnival Dream::Day 2  {Sea Day}

Carnival Dream::Day 2 {Sea Day}

~ Day 1::Day of Embarkation ~ Day 3::Cozumel ~ Day 4::Belize ~ Day 5::Roatan 1 ~ Day 5::Roatan 2 ~ Day 6::Costa Maya ~ Day 7::Day at Sea ~ Day…