Monthly Digest – May 2023

Monthly Digest – May 2023

LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Loving These Jalapeno Stuffed Olives. They have these at Walmart. Happy I…
Week 22::2023

Week 22::2023

Here’s last week’s Weekly highlights (May 29th-June 4th, 2023). If you missed Week 21, its here. Monday Alex went with his girlfriend and her church to New Orleans for a…
Week 21::2023

Week 21::2023

I'm late getting this up. I've been too busy doing things around the house this week! Here's last week's Weekly highlights (May 22nd-28th, 2023)... My highlight reel on instagram: Week…
Week 20::2023

Week 20::2023

Here's last week's Weekly highlights (May 15th-21st, 2023)... To sum up this week, we got a new niece and new nephew in 1 week, just a few days a part.…
Week 19::2023

Week 19::2023

I feel like these weeks lately are flying faster than normal and I continue to get further and further behind on blogging. Oh well...doing what I can, when I can.…
Leaving my church after 26 years

Leaving my church after 26 years

Today I'm sharing about why Rob and I are leaving our church after 26 years of being faithful, active members. If you are unfamiliar with the issues in the Methodist…
Week 18::2023

Week 18::2023

How is it Monday, Again!!?? Geez... Here are week 18 happenings (May 1-7th, 2023). And how is it May already? I saw this news story, and it just hit me…