A Year In Review 2005

A Year In Review:

1. Did you have a new year’s resolution this year? I’m sure I did…
2. Who kissed you at midnight? Rob
3. Does it snow where you live? Snow? What’s that?
4. Do you like hot chocolate? kind of
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? No.

My Experience at Riverdance

For those that know me well know that my love for dancing is profound. I started dancing when I was 3 years old. I danced up through high school on…
Take me out to the ballgame…

Take me out to the ballgame…

Here's pictures of Drews's baseball game tonight. You can click on any pictures to go see all the pictures I took on Flickr. The shirt he got is an ADULT…

A Mouse in the House…

I forgot to tell ya yesterday that yesterday morning when I got up and went into the bathroom, I was holding my breath. Knowing that a mouse might be on…

Furry Friends

Yesterday Rob got home and asked me if I got his email. I said no. He said well I have a surprise for you. I asked "a good one or…
What a Weekend!!

What a Weekend!!

Wow! What a weekend! Friday we went to the Wreck Tech Parade and Pep Rally. It was fun and I took lots of pictures. I've posted some below! You can…

My Favorite Wedding Photo

Happy 8 years to my Rob! This wasn't planned. I actually initiated this cake face fun! It was something I just did without thinking really!

50 Questions

1. Your name spelled backwards: natsrl (not going to use my real name) 2. Where were your parents born? Fort Worth, TX 3. What is the last thing you downloaded…