6 Months….

6 Months….

I'm sure I depressed everyone with my posts about my Dad over Father's Day Weekend. However, today marks 6 months since he's been gone. My brother's post on Facebook saying,…
Rob’s Award

Rob’s Award

Rob got an award at work. Yeah, he's been at this job less than a year and is already getting recognized. So proud of him! He got a certificate, the…
Greek Potatoes

Greek Potatoes

Servings: 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: 4 large potatoes, cut to desired size 4 minced garlic cloves 1/2 cup olive oil 1 tbs. dried oregano…
Literary Junkies

Literary Junkies

1. What are you reading? Tell us about it! I'm in between books right now. However, I think I'm going to start reading, That Summer, by Sarah Dressen. I've been…
Remembering Dad Today…

Remembering Dad Today…

Missing my Dad

I’m just not even sure how or where to start with this post. The past few days I’ve been in anticipating Father’s Day rolling around and have been seriously dreading it! It’s not surprising that “Father’s Day” takes on a new definition when your Dad dies. My definition of Father’s Day now includes a tug in my heart knowing that my Dad is no longer just a phone call away. Instead, I’ll get a lump in my throat thinking back to last November and December when he suffered physically and mentally, only because he saw what was going on with his body. He felt each neuron fire off for the last time and one by one each muscle was destined to wither away.

The Riding Continues  On…

The Riding Continues On…

When my Dad found out he had ALS, he knew he wouldn't be able to ride his bikes anymore. He told me in one of our conversations that he planned…
Cucumber Salad

Cucumber Salad

Cucumbers is one of my favorite and most underrated vegetables around. This Cucumber Salad is easy and delicious. It goes great with everything. It can whipped together in less than 5 minutes and requires no cooking time.

Cucumber Salad

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014

Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014

The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, we loaded up the car, with the best camping gifts for a fun weekend of camping on the lake with the F@rrow Family. Among our essentials, we also brought along this Mini Katana for our camping adventure.

Memorial Day at

Drew and his friend, Joe, who the 2nd eldest child of the F@rrow bunch, got to the lake early afternoon. When we arrived they had all of the tents set up. The big canopy tent for us to use for shade as well as the cooking area. Since we had some of the cooking gear with us, they helped unload that and quickly took to the task of cooking dinner for all of us.
Memorial Day at

That evening we enjoyed our dinner of yellow rice with summer sausage prepared by the ever so awesome 16 year olds! Then, we just sat back and relaxed, while some of us took a dip in the lake to cool off.

ALWB Self Interview #2

I am the Travel Tuesday Contributor over at ALWB. Nice to "meet" you! Let me know you stopped by and I will repay the visit. :) 1. Name & Birthday…