Tag Archives: July 2009

The Shack {the book}

By | July 24, 2009

I just read finished finally reading The Shack. If you have not read the book, I would highly recommend it. I don’t want to discuss the book too much, because I don’t want to give anything away. I will say that I really took to heart the biblical teachings and was able to relate them… Read More »

Children’s Drawer Labels

By | July 17, 2009

I made some labels for Alex’s clothing chest of drawers. I did this with Drew’s drawers awhile back and decided make some new ones for him. I’ve actually made a couple different sets both in black & white and color. I printed out the labels, cut them out, and used packing tape over the entire… Read More »


By | July 1, 2009

Last week Drew spent his first week at camp. He went away to Boy Scout Camp in North Carolina; Camp Daniel Boone. I always loved getting stuff while away at camp, so I had a lot of fun writing letters and packaging up little things to send him. Put a mark next to “Good Mom”… Read More »