Tag Archives: February 2011

Pinewood Derby

By | February 26, 2011

Today was Alex’s first Pinewood Derby that he got to participate in. He’s watched his brother do it for many years. We set the bar kind of high considering he won the Pack Race and the District Race! ooops! Who knew his car would be so good?

My Daybook for this Week {8}

By | February 21, 2011

Outside my window… beautiful spring-like weather. I am thinking… of Toomer’s Trees and all the time, effort, and money being put into trying to save them. All because of an idiot! Read about it here. I am thankful for… all the well-educated folks here in Auburn and all of the U.S. that are helping to… Read More »

101 in 1001

By | February 18, 2011

Over the years I’ve seen various other bloggers work towards completing 101 tasks in 1001 days. Although, I already have a bucket list, many of the tasks on my bucket list are things I’m sure I’ll never do in my life time. However with this 101 in 1001, I’ve tried to think of tasks/goals that… Read More »