Santa Visits Through the Years
Struggles with Believing
Yes, Drew is at the age where his friends are letting it be known that they don’t believe in Santa. Drew is really struggling to believe in him. He was questioning everything today about Santa. Even though we told him last year that most of the Santa we see are just his helper, he still days well why does the REAL Santa come to our mall? I did the best I could to explain, but he continued to say things like “Well, I just don’t know why we don’t get to see Rudolph” or “How does he get all over the hour in 12 hours?” I just continued to say it’s all magical and it’s really hard to understand. I’m afraid next year he won’t go for any of this and it won’t be magical anymore. Nevertheless, click below to see a couple pictures from today’s visit.
Christmas Ramblings (Part 2)
Christmas Ramblings…
13 Things about 2005 (TT #2)
Year End Survey 2005
What did you do in 2005 that you’d never done before?
went to Schlitterbahn
Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I made some, but didn’t stick with them. I have some for 2006. We’ll see what happens.
I’m so tired. Today was a productive day! Yes, I say that with excitement because this week I’ve done pretty much…nothing. So today I had to get up early and take Drew to the dentist. He HATES going to the dentist, but he survived it and had NO cavities! Yay! They did say in 6 months when we go back they’ll probably have to pull some teeth, because he has lots of crowding going on. He will need braces regardless, but the pulling of teeth will help “cut the cost” when it does come time. The cost of braces will be coming straight out of OUR pockets so I’ll do whatever to help the cost go down. Those who also had some of their teeth pulled out may replace them with dental implants so they can still have a full smile. A visit to a dental implants specialist can help you restore your old beautiful smile.
Looking for a dentist in Honolulu? You should look at these guys now.
This is Priceless
A Year In Review 2005
A Year In Review:
1. Did you have a new year’s resolution this year? I’m sure I did…
2. Who kissed you at midnight? Rob
3. Does it snow where you live? Snow? What’s that?
4. Do you like hot chocolate? kind of
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? No.
Christmas Meme
Christmas Traditions
Lisanne (blog now removed) recently wrote a beautiful post about Christmas traditions. It’s great having wonderful family traditions to look back on. Christmas was always my Grandfather’s favorite time of year. Each year as we decorate the house with all of our decorations, tears roll down my face as I think about Granddad and how he would get into the Christmas spirit. He had such a generous heart and he loved to buy for others. It didn’t matter what he got, because he got such a thrill when Grandmother and I were excited about our gifts. Some family traditions that we used to do were: