Tag Archives: August 2009

Open House at the Kindergarten

By | August 28, 2009

I’ve gotten in a rut lately of not posting especially posting personal happenings. I really need to get back to that since that is what this blog was intended for. Anyway, last night was open house at the Kindergarten with Alex. I had already met his teacher at “Meet the Teacher Night,” but open house… Read More »

1st Day of School

By | August 10, 2009

Today was the 1st day of school for the 2009-2010 school year. Drew’s going into 6th grade, which means moving up to middle school. Alex is going to Kindergarten! One good thing out of being unemployed right now is that I got to take Alex to his first day of school ever.

Ramblings of My Life

By | August 5, 2009

You know, I haven’t actually written here in a while. Yah, I’ve posted stuff; menus, pictures, other random superficial posts. I haven’t talked about what’s been going on with me. I’m not sure you wanna hear it, but at this point, I have to remember this blog was started for me and for my family… Read More »

My Story In Photos: The Summer Edition {I Heart Faces}

By | August 4, 2009

This week over at I Heart Faces our challenge is to share your story of summer through pictures. So here you have it. This summer didn’t have any big trips or much exciting. We managed to do little things here and there so that it wasn’t totally boring! Summer started with sis-in-law’s graduation from SCAD… Read More »