Tag Archives: August 2006

I have what?

By | August 24, 2006

Yesterday I went to the doctor, because I’ve had the sinus issues. I was pretty sure I had a sinus infection, which it turned out I did and also the beginnings of an ear infection. While I was there, doc was asking me about my neck and I told him the symptoms I have had… Read More »

Snake Adventures

By | August 23, 2006

Today Drew was outside in the front yard and saw this rat snake in our flower bed. He later caught it. He put him in this container and we ooed and awed at him. We decided to take pictures of Drew holding the snake, but the closest thing we got was the pic in the… Read More »

Friday Feast #12

By | August 11, 2006

Appetizer Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood. Gyro Wheel. I loved this thing! It was the best toy ever. I used to play with that thing for hours. Soup If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be? Wow! That’s a hard one…I think… Read More »