PSH Theme:  Feet

PSH Theme: Feet

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is feet. This is my 2nd son. I took this picture as part of his 1 year portraits. (March 2005)

Letter to MB

Dear Alex, I'm not one for writing sappy letters anymore, but I was just amazed over the week we spent together during Spring Break. You amaze me. You discover and…
1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop

1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop

Here's Alex after having his first real haircut at the Barber Shop. He watched his Daddy and big brother get a haircut. When it was his turn, he sat up…

What a Great Weekend!

Sorry I've been MIA, but this past week has been hectic. Friday we had an Auburn Diamond Club banquet. Then, my dad, who I haven't seen since 2002 came to…

This is Priceless

Ok, so Drew or Rob usually feed the dog. We have a big Rubbermaid container at the bottom of the pantry where we keep her food. We keep a plastic…
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Here's Alex before dressing up for Trick or Treating. Here's the Scarecrow treats I made for his class yesterday:


Alex is growing a vocabulary slowly but surely! He says "uh-oh!" and it is so cute. Also when I change his diaper I always say "Eyew, stinky" and I wave…
The Trek to Tampa

The Trek to Tampa

Alright, I'm going to try and get caught up with my cruise stories. The first one consists of me, Drew, and Alex(the 3 of us) in the back seat of…