Friday Feast #2

Appetizer Name a trait you share with your parents or your children. I've realized lately that my 2 year old how observant he is. He notices change quickly. That's a…

Our Valentine’s Day

Today Rob and I celebrated Valentine's Day. Remember how we celebrate it late. We had lunch at Red Lobster, while Uncle Nick watched the kids. I really enjoyed myself. We…

Friday Feast #1

Appetizer Name 3 things that you think are strange. People who think they should use a turn signal when the car in front of them is turning and they're not.…

New TV Addiction

For those of who know me well, know that I'm a reality TV addict! So the other night, I watched Next Food Network Star. I didn't watch the first season…
Spring Break 2006

Spring Break 2006

Ok, why is it that work weeks creep by, but spring break flies by in the blink of an eye? It's Wednesday already! Yes, I'm sorry for those of you…
1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop

1st Real Haircut at the Barber Shop

Here's Alex after having his first real haircut at the Barber Shop. He watched his Daddy and big brother get a haircut. When it was his turn, he sat up…


It's crazy that my baby is turning 2 on Tuesday! I just can't believe it. Where HAS the time gone? It seems like just yesterday when he was born. We're…
Who’s out there?

Who’s out there?

Ok, so here's a list of where the last 20 places people lurked in from. Let me know if you were one of these people! 1) January 22, 2006 5:26…

Happy Valentine’s Day 2006

Hope everyone who celebrates the day is having the most romantic time evah! I'm sitting here figuring out what I'm going to cook for dinner feeling sorry for myself. :-)…

Visit with Dad

My Dad recently came to visit and it was great! Here's a few pics from that weekend.

What a Great Weekend!

Sorry I've been MIA, but this past week has been hectic. Friday we had an Auburn Diamond Club banquet. Then, my dad, who I haven't seen since 2002 came to…
Happy Birthday, Drew!

Happy Birthday, Drew!

Today's Drew's 8th Birthday.... Then, Now, 8 years later!! Who would of thought he'd be such a heart throb! LOL!

26 Random Questions and Answers

Got this from Monica:

1. You have $10 and need to buy snacks at a gas station; what do you buy? Diet Coke and M&M’s

2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be? a seahorse…so the men can carry the babies!

3. Who’s your favorite redhead? My sister, Nikki

Where did the weekend go?

*Yawn*...I'm so tired! The party with the 5 boys plus mine went pretty well. They enjoyed the surprise which was an Auburn basketball game. He wasn't thrilled with that at…

Weekend fun

Monday is my older son's 8th birthday...sheesh!! I can't believe it. Nothing like waiting to the last minute! So I've spent my afternoon calling moms to invite their sons to…

2nd Grade Disappointment

Friday night, Drew said, "Mom, you gotta look in my folder. There's something important in there!" I asked him to bring it to me and I found an envelope with…

Four Real…

Four jobs you've had in your life: Braums in high school and during the summers while in college. I did everything from cook to stocker to cashier to ice cream…

10 on Tuesday – 2006 Predictions

1. My friend, Katie, will get pregnant. 2. Alex will be potty trained by the end of the year. 3. Rob and I will go on a great trip together!…

1st Post of 2006!

Hope everyone survived the New Year's festivities. :-D I didn't post yesterday, because I was so bummed about going back to work today. Yesterday, I got off to a *great*…