{Recap} Spring Bucket List 2018

By | July 5, 2018

Spring Bucket List Recap 2018 - What did you do this spring?

Here’s my list of things that I wanted to accomplish before Spring was over.

Take pictures of Cherry Blossoms Yes, here’s a close up of one that I got at Arlington Cemetery in DC

Spring Training 2018

Shop at a farmer’s market – didn’t happen
Take Daisy for a walk
Go to a museum Oh yes, watch for those posts
Decorate for Spring – nope
Find a four leaf clover – no
Go to a Spring Training game See post here.
Do something you’ve never done before
Visit a new thrift store or consignment shop – didn’t do
Skip rocks – didn’t happen
Bird watch
Go to an opening weekend of baseball post coming soon.
Make new salad recipe – had salad, but no new recipes
Visit an outdoor museum or botanical garden – saw lots of outdoor monuments, does that count?
Go on a hike
Take pics of clovers – no
Walk to the park
Make a bird feeder – no
Plant some herbs – didn’t happen
Make a pie – I made these strawberry hand pies. They were beautiful, rustic looking. However, I’m not posting the recipe until I make some changes to it.
Strawberry Hand Pies

Visit a new park
Paint rocks – didn’t do

Yes, I didn’t fair too well with this list. Life just takes over and my season buckets are often forgotten about. I hope to do better with my Summer Bucket List 2018.

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