November 2020 Monthly Musings-Christmas

November 2020 Monthly Musings-Christmas

I’m late getting this post up, but I always enjoy Monthly Musings of others. Link up

November Monthly Musings-Christmas

1. Favorite Holiday Tradition
I love all the Christmas activities, from going to cut down a Christmas tree and decorating the house to watching Christmas movies. Baking and making other goodies withe family.

Christmas tree shopping: 2016 / 2015 / 2012 / 2011 / 2009

2. Must Have Holiday Wardrobe Staples
I wear more red at Christmas. I love my tacky Christmas sweaters when it gets cold enough for those.

3. Favorite Holiday Recipe/Dish?
I started the tradition of ham and fixings on Christmas eve. We have homemade pasta, meatballs, and sauce on Christmas Day. I’m not sure how that started. I feel like that was something Rob and I kind of initiated, but I could be wrong. I love all that and all the homemade cookies and candies.

4. What will our holiday plans look like this year?
We will have Christmas here. I’m sure that afternoon we will gather with family outside and my in laws house weather depending. We hope to travel on the 26th, but we’re waiting to see if Texas gets shut down or requires a quarantine for out of staters.

5. Favorite Christmas Song
Carol of the Bells and Sleigh Ride are my 2 main favs.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is one that brings me to tears every time. I miss my family that’s no longer with us…Granddad, Grandmother, Dad…

6. Does COVID 19 make me want to do up the holidays even more?
Not really…

7. Any charities we like to help this time of year?
Toys for Tots, our local foodbank, Angel Tree donations, We’ve also gone on Christmas a couple years ago and made goodies bags for first responders and hospital workers, etc. and delivered them that day. Felt so good!

8. Tree before or after Thanksgiving?
We cut down a real tree at a Christmas tree farm, so definitely after!

9. Favorite Holiday Movie?
Christmas Vacation and White Christmas

10. Egg Nog yes or no? One year Rob made it from scratch. I think that’s the first time I’d really ever tried it, because growing up I wasn’t really exposed to it. I thought the name sounded gross so never interested me. W

Some other Christmas tradition posts from years past: 2005 / 2009 / 2018


  1. We’ve already watched Christmas Vacation and I think it’s more fun to see my husband laugh so much and quote the movie as he watches it than to watch it myself! Haha! I love wearing red more around Christmas, too.

    • Lysha

      We have it DVRed even though we have it on DVD because they bleep out the bad words. 🙂

  2. This was fun to read! I love hearing about other people’s traditions. Homemade pasta with meatballs sounds delicious! I love red this time of year too but don’t have much in my closet–I need to add more!

    • Lysha

      Yes, I love to read about others traditions as well. So many different ideas out there.

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