My blond moment #245

By | March 5, 2021

So one of my lovely coworkers, Mrs. Deb, was mentioning that her dryer wasn’t working right. I, while listening to her was also concentrating on something else, and so my response? “Oh your hair dryer?”

She laughed so hard and responded sweetly with, “No, my clothes dryer. It just needs a new heating element. You just crack me up, LeeLee.” (that’s my nickname for Mrs. Deb.) Those 4 words are words, I’ll never live down, but that’s ok, because I totally made Mrs. Deb’s day. 🙂

Category: Life

About Lysha

(Lee-sha) :: TXinAL :: Auburn :: blogger/foodie/photographer/traveler/former teacher::fueled by Chips & Salsa & Reality TV::saved by the Grace of God.

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