How is it almost November?!?! It is just crazy to think how quickly time goes by even though the days often drag by. Anyone else feel that?
Rob and I watched Drew’s dog, Bigsby for an extended weekend earlier in the month, when he and Caitlyn had to go to Florida. We took Bigsby and Kayleigh for a walk.

Loving I am trying hard to love exercising. Right now, Kayleigh and I are walking 5 days a week. I’m also doing some arm exercises 3 times a week. I’m kind of at a stand still already with my weight loss, so this week I’m trying to increase my speed.

Happy I’ve got an Amazon package being delivered today. So that makes me happy.
Excited to share Drew and Caitlyn’s engagement photos soon. I’m not going to share any till they give me the ok. Their wedding photographer took them and they are so amazing. Beautiful! Worth the money!
Disappointments It is disheartening when you’re trying to adopt a new life style…eating healthier and exercising regularly, and you really want all this to help you lose weight and then you don’t! It makes you want to throw in the towel and just eat fried foods and chocolate. However, I’m not giving up. I know I can do this. I just have to remember healthy life style is a marathon that really should never end. It’s not a sprint with a finish line. Yes, I do have a weight loss goal, but even one day when that is reached I have to keep up the journey.
Reminiscing As I mentioned in this post, my mom and her siblings put my Granny’s house up for sell. It’s sad to see it go, but we know we can’t hold on to things forever.

Social My group that I’ve been attending that is reading Empty Nest, Full Life is wrapping up this week. However, we are going to start having monthly outings together. It should be fun!
Work Memories Frustrated with myself really. I’m procrastinating with the project I mentioned before. I saw a quote that I thought would motivate me. “You get credit for ACTION, not preparation!” I keep telling myself that, but I still just procrastinate. I think what I need to do, is make a timeline for the project and just work that timeline. I just need to get out of this funk I’m in and do that!
Lesson Learned You can low carb using Gluten Free recipes!
Current Project I don’t really have any thing going on right now. I am trying to pick a couple places in the house to clean out and organize as I have time.
Drew and Caitlyn and us finally came up with a timeline of every little minut task that has to be done for the wedding. This helps us to have deadlines and to look each week to see what needs to be accomplished and who needs to do each task. It’s a lot, but being able to break it down weekly helps it to not be as overwhelming and it makes sure things don’t fall through the cracks.
Alex went to the eye doctor for his yearly check up.

He and Madison have been hanging out a lot at our house recently. I guess with it getting cooler, it’s not as enjoyable to go to parks and stuff, which usually what they do.
He also went to the dr because he had a cough and sore throat. No flu, no strep, no COVID. Just a viral respiratory thing, so he got a steroid shot and a dr’s excuse for work the last few days.
Rob had a colonoscopy. His first one ever and the clean out prep part was rough! I dread the day I have to do one. Right now, my doctor is good with me just sending in the Cologuard as a screening. However, when Rob did his, it came back showing something so that’s why he had to do the colonoscopy. All is well.

Most remembered Well, one thing I haven’t shared yet is this past weekend, we got a new couch for the sitting area in my bedroom. As you can see below, it wasn’t a sitting area. We had moved this old entertainment center there, just because we needed a place for it to go when we got a bigger TV years ago. We saved it in case one of the kids wanted it and it’s a huge storage area. I have hated having that in there that’s why I covered it with the black cloth. So happy it’s not in my room in anymore!

I need to paint the area that a previous owner painted around *eyeroll* and also hang some pictures.

It looks so nice and innocent in it’s place. haha! However, once we got the couch home, we realized it was too deep to fit through the front door or even down our upstairs hallway. So we ended up taking it over the fence to the backyard and pulling it up to the balcony and then through the outside door that goes in to my bedroom. Crazy! Luckily, thank goodness, no one was hurt in this endeavor!

Wearing We had about 4 or 5 days last week where I actually got to wear my heavier cardigans. It was great!

This Weekend I have no set plans, which is the way I like it.
Looking Forward to Next Month Hmm…I’m usually so ready for the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year. I don’t know. I’m sorta dreading it, actually. I am looking forward to time off…but we may be traveling during Thanksgiving so maybe that’s why I’m not as excited about it.
Eating Healthy Carbs, high protein, no processed food…
Favorite Here is a pizza I made with a Cauliflower crust. Yummy!

Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Favorite Pic

Look back at last month.
I need to get motivated to do more exercise too. It’s never easy 🙁 I’m glad to hear that Rob is okay. I’ve never had a colonoscopy but Dave has and, yeah, I’ll avoid them if at all possible. I love your photo of the month — so Fall-ish and beautiful!
That corgi is beyond cute. Congrats to you on your health journey. It’s about the process not perfection.
Another mantra that helps me with weight loss is to remember “you didn’t gain all the weight in one day (or week or month, etc); so you won’t lose the weight in one day. Be patient with yourself.” I struggle with enjoying working out and exercise too! That is quite the ordeal to get your new couch in the house! It looks beautiful too.
That is a crazy ordeal with the couch! You would think that sort of measurement would be standard to fit through a door. I’m getting a colonoscopy next month and NOT looking forward to it.
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