Monthly Digest::7.2024

Monthly Digest::7.2024

7.2024_collage-Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.


Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29 – We were in San Fran…I’ll be posting about that trip as soon as I can go through all the photos.
Week 30 July 22-28

Loving watching the Olympics. Go USA!!

Happy to be getting on a cruise this week with extended family!

Excited about getting to hand out with my niece and family on the cruise.

Reminiscing about previous cruises.


Social Had dinner with my friend Rebecca.

Work Memories Pretty chill month at work, which is nice.

Current Project Cleaning my messy house and going through all of our vacation photos from this month.

Drew and I still doing our monthly lunches and I love that time with him even though it’s just an hour.

Alex moved home for 5 days, which happened to be the 5 days we were gone our cruise. I was sad I didn’t get that time with him.

2024-07-31 15.43.21

Rob loved the whale watching adventure we took in San Fran. More on that later.

Most remembered Trip to San Fran

Wearing at home as little as possible bc it is so hot. In California, layers because it was a 40 degree difference depending on where we were.

This Weekend On a cruise

Looking Forward to Next Month August is the beginning of school and football season starts on the 31st for Auburn.


Eating not so healthy lately…
Favorite Scoma’s was the best!


Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post


Favorite Pic Took tons of potentially amazing photos in Cali…I did love this one.


Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

LAST July’s Monthly Post!


  1. I’d love to go to San Francisco! It looks like there is so much to see and do there!

  2. Great capture of that island rock in San Francisco. My daughter, SIL and grands were there a year ago and had such a wonderful time. Guess we need to make some plans!!
    Always glad to see what you are watching. Will check out some of these police ride along shows.
    Glad you and your son have lunch together regularly. I feel like I see my daughter here in EP all the time but we never have peace and quiet where we can get 2 words in edgewise.

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