Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {4.2015}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: that something miraculous happened and now my blogs are working normally. *fingers crossed*

This year I’m going to rate the books & movies. Here’s my rating system:
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time

Movies I watched were:
Flight – X – It’s rated high, but we were totally mislead by the reviews. This is a move about addiction and very little of it is about the anything else.

TV Shows I watched were:
CSI Cyber
Bones (I’m kinda over this show…)
Hawaii 50
The Pioneer Woman
Parenthood (Finished)
Heart of Dixie (Finished)
Friday Night Lights (started re-watching on Netflix)

My favorite song this month was: He Knows by Jeremy Camp

What I remember about work was: craziness ensued with study carrel renewals. Busy, busy, busy.

A lesson I learned this month was: that it seems like selfishness is nearly everyone’s biggest sin these days.

A friend and I: were supposed to go celebrate that we’re not Cub Scout leaders anymore, but we were unable to so we need to plan to do that soon!

My favorite pic that I haven’t posted yet was: from the Prom pictures that I took of my son and his girlfriend. There was a point when Drew was like, “Are we done yet?” Caitlyn was like, “Look, I’m a senior and I want lots of good pictures to look back on! Now stand there and smile!” He replied back, “Well, can we do some fun ones?” And this is the pic we got from that…
You want to do FUN prom pics?

The favorite thing I cooked was: Jalapeno Popper Casserole.

Drew attended: the Junior/Senior prom as a Junior with his girlfriend who’s a Senior. Everything seem to go well and everyone made it home one time and safely.

Alex: crossed over into Boy Scouts and went on his first camping trip with them. (Post tomorrow)

Rob was: excited to be DONE with Cub Scouts!

The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: Drew going to Prom and Alex crossing over to Boy Scouts.


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